OCCUPATION: City Councilor

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Volunteer, Jesuit Volunteer Corps; Portland Organizing
Project; Youth Employment & Empowerment Coalition; Attorney and Small Business Owner

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: B.A., Stanford University, 1974; J.D. University of Oregon, 1978

Compensation Task Force, 1987-1988; Governor’s Juvenile
Justice Task Force, 1994; Oregon Juvenile Services
Commission, 1987-88; Mayor’s Business Roundtable, 1997 -

Jim Francesconi. One Portland. Our Future.

  • Jim Francesconi has been on the frontlines in the fight for good-paying jobs, strong schools and safe neighborhoods.
  • Jim introduced and helped pass Portland’s Living Wage Ordinance to provide better wages and health care benefits to workers in city facilities.
  • Jim has said “no” to a new baseball stadium unless it’s completely paid for by non-taxpayer money.
  • Jim Francesconi is the only Commissioner to refuse a pay raise in these tough fiscal times. He donated his increase to the SUN Schools program.
  • Jim will provide incentives to departments to find savings and use money saved to help fund school projects and social services.
  • Jim Francisconi will hit the ground running as mayor with a 100-day plan to get Portland moving again. Read the plan at www.jimfrancesconiformayor.com.

“Jim broke the glass ceiling at the Portland Parks Bureau and he values women and our contributions.”
~ Juanita McDermid, 26-year Portland city worker

“Jim saw a place where he could help people who had no voice…I think Jim will be the best mayor for the city.”
~ long-time community activist Maggie Gibson
(www.jimfrancesconiformayor.com and KPOJ)

“[Jim] will need our help, and I for one, intend to be there for him just as he has been there for Portland teachers when we needed him.”
~ Ann Nice, President, Portland Association of Teachers
(The Advocate, 6/7/04)

Jim Francesconi’s supporters include: Unions representing over 86,000 public and private workers (Northwest Oregon Labor Council); environmental activist Mike Houck; Multnomah County Sheriff Bernie Giusto; Democratic State Senator Ginny Burdick; Buckman Elementary School Principal Helen Nolen

Vote Jim Francesconi for Portland Mayor!

(This information furnished by Jim Francesconi for Mayor)


OCCUPATION: National consultant on Community Policing and Public Safety

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND:Portland Police Chief; State Training Director; Director of Youth Homeless Services

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: University of Portland, B.S.

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Portland Police Bureau; Multnomah Commission on Children & Families; Board on Public Safety Standards and Training
Fellow Portlanders,
Your voice must be heard at City Hall. Under my leadership, we will develop a vision for our city that reflects the priorities of all Portlanders, not just a few. We live in a green and vibrant city that works best when its citizens and government work together.

Together, you and I will:

  • Restore trust in our police and build safe neighborhoods.
  • Build a coalition of leaders to strengthen our schools.
  • Promote the small businesses that are our economic backbone.
  • Protect the environment that makes Portland a special place to live.

A Proven Leader for Change

I was a different kind of police chief, bringing community policing to Portland. It changed our city. Violent crime went down. Public confidence in police rose. I hired and promoted women and minorities so that the face of the Bureau reflected the faces of our community. I know what it’s like to hold people accountable, demand change and get it.

Trust, Leadership, Vision

Portland demands a mayor with the trust to end divisions at City Hall, the leadership to forge a bold direction for our city, and the vision to trust the words on the Skidmore Fountain: “Good citizens are the riches of a city.”

“It’s time for citizens to have a say in City Hall. Tom Potter will be a mayor who listens as well as he leads.”
--Former Mayor Bud Clark

“Tom Potter’s integrity, strength, and long community experience is just what Portland needs to more forward. As mayor, Tom will include all parts of our city and our citizenry in making decisions for a better Portland. He has my full support.”
--Former Gov. Barbara Roberts

Read our positive message at: www.tomformayor.org

(This information furnished by Tom Potter)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023