OCCUPATION: Patent Lawyer

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Research Engineer; Regulatory Consultant

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Georgetown University School of Law – JD; University of Michigan – BS Electrical Engineering

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Troutdale City Council; President, Troutdale Historical Society; Troutdale Planning Commission; Troutdale Parks Advisory Board; Oregon Energy Facility Siting Council (appointed by Kitzhaber, reappointed by Kulongoski)

Troutdale is facing the most serious budget crisis in decades. The city must fund police and fire services, but the cost will climb significantly if we lose our contract fire provider. Finding a way to pay for our fire service will be the most difficult issue we will face in the next few years.

Nevertheless, government’s first duty is to protect its citizens. I support continued full funding for the Troutdale Police Department. The Police are, and always have been, my top priority.

Troutdale should preserve as much parkland and green areas as we can. I support Keeping Troutdale Green. We should take full advantage of regional bond money and other dedicated funds to acquire land as it becomes available. There is less vacant land every year. Parks and open space will be our most important legacy to future generations.

Troutdale has programs that are a great value for taxpayers. I support Troutdale’s popular Recreation Programs, offered by our Community Services Department. They are excellent, and recover most costs through modest fee charges.

I will continue to oppose outside controls by state and regional agencies, whenever they do not benefit Troutdale. We must fight aggressively for the right to direct future growth in ways that are best for Troutdale. That includes actively participating in the development of our remaining industrial land to ensure that what is built benefits our citizens.

I will not accept campaign contributions from any person or organization with business before the city. Such contributions create a serious conflict of interest.


(This information furnished by David Ripma)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023