OCCUPATION: Telecommunications Project Manager.
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Telephony Project Analyst, Kelly IT/Wells Fargo; Telecommunications Analyst, Oregon Health Science University; Co-owner, Bullseye Secretarial Service Incorporated; Account Manager, AT&T; Service Representative, Pacific Northwest Bell/US West.
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Portland Community College, Associate of Science Degree, Paralegal; Portland State University; Lane Community College; graduated Sheldon High School, Eugene OR.
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Appointed to City of Troutdale budget committee; elected precinct committeeperson.
Community Service: Grotto Festival of Lights; Frontier Missions; Junior Achievement Advisor; Executive Board Member, Communications Workers Local 7901; Delegate, Northwest Oregon Labor Council; Delegate, Oregon AFL-CIO Conventions.
Robert Canfield:
- Is on the side of Troutdale’s taxpayers and will make sure they get value for their tax dollars. Waste in government is not acceptable!
- Will fight hard to make police/fire funding a top priority. The city wants to spend $16 million on new parks, and at the same time has proposed cuts in police/fire budgets. The most important function of your city is public safety. I like parks, but what good are they if your kids aren’t safe in them?
- Will fight to keep recreation programs funded. These programs help ensure that Troutdale remains an attractive, safe community for families.
- Opposes back-room dealing and secret meetings. I will be on the side of Troutdale’s citizens and encourage more public input on new business development.
- Will work hard for quality business development that brings family wage jobs. The city has had several years to develop the former sewage plant area and other prime sites with few results. I will insist on more accountability for all the city’s business recruitment and development.
- Will work to create new neighborhood associations. The city belongs to the citizens, not to the City Council!
- Wants Troutdale to remain an attractive, safe community for families, senior citizens, and business owners.
Call Robert at 503-491-9288 to meet with him for coffee and talk about your concerns. Or e-mail him at
(This information furnished by Friends of Robert Canfield)
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Bookkeeping/Management for 3 businesses owned in Troutdale; 16 years for Burns Brothers; 4 years as Night Auditor, Motel 6
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Public Schools; Graduated Hughes HS, Cincinnati, Ohio
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Troutdale City Council; Troutdale Budget Committee; Troutdale Parks Advisory Committee
I have lived in Troutdale for over 30 years. My husband and I have been owners of three separate businesses in Troutdale. We raised our family of 4 children here, always staying involved in local activities.
There are people running for office this year that have agendas for Big Business. I am retired and represent the wage earners and others who can’t afford more bond issues.
Then there is the Port of Portland wanting more of our land, which is almost gone, for their own use and not ours. Look what they have done along Marine Drive. Once the land is owned the can do as they please and, although they claim they will make some payments, the Port is off the tax rolls. Voters should look behind some of the other candidate’s credentials in this election. They are not always what they seem.
I was on the Troutdale City council for 8 years and they were very successful years. We developed the downtown, power lines were put underground, Imagination Station was built, the sewer plant was moved. Those were more prosperous times. Now times are tighter. The cost of police, fire, etc. have escalated, and so have our schools.
Troutdale also has some parks that are unusable due to size and location. But the land still has to be maintained. They should be put back on the tax rolls.
We need to start making some hard decisions and serious cuts. We need to live within our budget and get rid of the nonessentials.
When it’s time to vote, please study what the candidates stand for. I want to preserve what’s best about Troutdale, including its small town feel and our successful downtown.
(This information furnished by Pat Smith)