OCCUPATION: Business owner.
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Kight Photography, U.S. Navy Vietnam era/honorable discharge.
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: City Councilor 5/95 to present, Budget Committee, Charter Review Committee, Emergency Management Representative, Urban Renewal Committee, Transportation Committee for Four Cities.
Committed to Our Community College: Jim Kight spearheaded the acquisition of 62.6 acres East of Mt. Hood Community College for designated greenspace. The college received a check for $196,020 and still retains the use of the property. The science department often uses the wetland as a “living classroom” for botanical instruction. The wetland courses through the Beaver Creek Canyon. The greenspace is protected from development for future generations.
Sewer Plant Property Development: I propose a River Walk/Esplanade along the west bank of the Sandy River. This will provide property for restaurants and specialty boutiques adding new jobs and property to the tax rolls. Cost to the taxpayer is Zero. New gain is $150,000 in yearly property taxes.
County Library for Troutdale: Located on Main Street with businesses sharing retail space with library patrons. This will provide convenience for children, seniors and students. In addition, it will secure the much needed anchor for downtown stores.
Bernie Guisto, Multnomah County Sheriff:
“It has been my experience that Councilor Jim Kight is fully committed to public safety. This includes both fire and police protection. I approached Councilor Kight with a water drainage problem on I-84 that had caused multiple accidents and fatalities. Kight used his position as a JPACT representative for the four cities of East county to contact the Regional One director of ODOT. ODOT immediately took remedial steps to correct the problem. I applaud him for his tenacious nature in correcting a serious problem and helping to save lives”.
Lonnie Roberts, Multnomah County Commissioner:
“Councilor Kight has worked effectively over the last nine years in transportation and other venues to enhance the liveability of Troutdale. I heartily endorse Councilor Kight for Mayor of Troutdale”.
(This information furnished by the Friends of Jim Kight and there everywhere)
OCCUPATION: Residential Real Estate Broker
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Owner/Operator Bed & Breakfast; Legal Assistant; Asst Credit Manager; Electronic Engineering Customer Service Rep; EMT, Union Volunteer Fire Dept.; State of Oregon Forest Service Lookout
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Graduate Union High School; Kinman Business University; Spokane Falls Community College; American College of REal Estate & Appraisal
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Troutdale City Council; Planning Commission, Troutdale; Budget Committee, Troutdale
Troutdale has enjoyed a wonderful history as a small community. We need a Mayor with a fresh, community based approach to the decisions of the future. We must appreciate our past, be solidly involved in the present and embrace the future – as a team. As your Mayor
I pledge to be open minded, to coordinate – not dominate.
I pledge to listen to you, give honest answers and fair treatment.
I pledge to discourage council generosity at tax payer expense.
I pledge to protect your personal property rights.
I pledge to encourage neighborhood involvement.
I pledge to appreciate the value of differing opinions.
I pledge to encourage communication with local and regional neighbors.
I pledge to participate in city growth and change, being mindful of the priorities of our entire community, not just the interests of a few.
I pledge to consider fire service options balancing priorities of safety and your tax dollar.
I pledge to be a team leader who volunteers for the common good.
Troutdale is undergoing many changes. Expect a high commitment to the best interests of the community, not self interest or special interest. As a realtor I work with the families of our community. As your neighbor – a fellow taxpayer – your elected volunteer on the city council, I understand community concerns.
Visit me: www.troutdale-oregon.com
(This information furnished by Barbara Kyle)
OCCUPATION: Mayor of Troutdale; Licensed Insurance Professional-30 years
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Private Investigator; Lawyer; Judge; Janitor; Truck Driver; U.S Navy; U.S. Air Force Reserve.
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Crook County High School, Prineville; University of Oregon BA, LLB.
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Troutdale City Council, Planning Commission; Pendleton Mayor, Council; Multnomah County Charter Review Committee; Chair, Multnomah County Citizen Involvement Committee; Oregon Mayors’ Association Board; General Government Committee, League of Oregon Cities; Charter Board, Reynolds Education Foundation.
It has been an honor and privilege to serve Troutdale citizens as your Mayor. I have worked hard to earn your confidence and trust and to provide leadership to keep Troutdale the most livable little City in the Country with our small town, friendly atmosphere.
During my leadership as your Mayor:
- Our downtown has been revitalized.
- The sewer plant has been relocated freeing up land for further exciting downtown development.
- Fire Service has been studied to provide the best option for our citizens
- Parks have been enhanced and greenways expanded, including Beaver Creek Canyon.
- Our young people have excellent baseball fields, a soccer field and Imagination Station.
- Our recreation program has been saved for the benefit of all our citizens.
- Our police service has been outstanding despite a manpower shortage.
- The life-saving life guard program was implemented on the Sandy River.
There is more to be done. We need to keep our city safe. We need to pursue economic development of: the Alcoa site with the Port of Portland (but without the intermodal rail facility); the old sewer plant site; the Pig Farm; and the jail site. We want family wage jobs and property tax value. We need to maintain our quality of life by acquiring green space and open space as resources permit. Above all, we must spend our tax dollars wisely.
Lets keep Troutdale the most livable little City in the Country. Re-elect Mayor Paul Thalhofer
Endorsed by Sheriff Bernie Giusto, Commissioner Lonnie Roberts, Fairview Mayor Weatherby, Wood Village Mayor Fuller, Councilor Ripma and many others.
(This information furnished by Paul Thalhofer)
OCCUPATION: Software Engineer (ADP since 1983).
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Graduated Centennial High School 1972; Graduated Portland Community College 1983 (A.A.S. Applications Computer Programming; A.S. General Studies); Continuing Education Mt. Hood Community College (Business Administration)
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Troutdale City Council (2003-Present), Troutdale Planning Commission 2002, Troutdale Citizen Advisory Committee 1994-2001 (Chair 2000); Mt. Hood Cable Regulatory Commission 1996-present (chair 1998-2000).
“I want to help”. Troutdale is growing, and the way it grows is important. Positive growth requires proper management to preserve the livability of Troutdale for everyone. Key activities which can involve residents in the decision making process include promoting and building neighborhood associations, business relationships, boosters, and other citizen groups. Citizen involvement is essential in maintaining Troutdale as the community in which we want to live.
Personal Background:
- U.S. Army 1972 to 1981 (Honorable Discharge)
- Married Charlene in 1974; We have two children and three grandchildren. Both children graduated from Reynolds High School.
- Troutdale resident since 1992
- Involved in local churches since 1981
- Board Member of the Troutdale Boosters/Oregon River Safety Program since 2001.
- Board Member of the Troutdale Lions Club since 2000 (Vice President 2003 to present)
- Build Neighborhood associations and increase citizen input and participation. Communication is the necessary Key to guide the future of Troutdale.
- Responsible economic development by working cooperatively with both the public and private sectors to meet Troutdale’s needs.
- Work with other local governments to insure Troutdale needs and desires are accomplished.
- Keep public safety (Police and Fire protection) as top priority.
- Maintain the livability of Troutdale through responsible development and planning.
(This information furnished by Norman D. Thomas)
OCCUPATION: Pilot/investor
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Business Academy; Eastern Airlines Pilot School & Int’l Air Academy;
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Americans for Honest Government – Treasurer; Chief Petitioner
Troutdale Needs New Mayor
As the new Mayor, I will bring common sense, vision, wisdom, team building, fairness, and accountability, thus building prosperity in Troutdale.
Fundamental changes are imperative!
- Transparency – You, as a citizen, should know exactly how your tax dollars are spent.
- Instead of squeezing you for more money, we will attract new investment to Troutdale.
- Troutdale is known for being unfriendly to business and to anyone who requests accountability or challenges the existing city hall practices.
- Currently, citizens asking for accountability end up being selectively harassed. This is abuse of public office! Ethics and accountability will be required. We will encourage citizen input and feedback.
- We need to retain and strengthen local control, and limit outside influences. To protect livability, high densification must be stopped!
- City hall needs to get out of the land development business! Under the right circumstances, private investors will bring world-class revenue generating development to Troutdale.
- There is no need to dip into taxpayer’s pockets to subsidize municipally well-connected developers.
- Various outrageously high fees and charges will be reduced or eliminated; ornery ordinances changed.
- The Mayor sets the tone for the council and provides local leadership and an image for the outside world. Troutdale needs progressive and constructive changes to build this new image.
- Troutdale needs to provide a level playing field, equal treatment for all, and welcome new businesses and entrepreneurs.
- The Mayor and the city must show integrity, vision, and take the first step towards inviting prosperity to Troutdale. The City of Troutdale is like a jewel in the rough and is blessed with opportunities.
- As a new Mayor I would demonstrate the power of team building, shine the light and lead the way to a bright, proud, and prosperous new future.
(This information furnished by Roman York)