OCCUPATION: Lead Phlebotomist: Broadway Medical Clinic

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: 35 years in medical profession, Lead Branch Phlebotomist: The Portland Clinic, Field Phlebotomist and Phlebotomy Instructor: Physicians Medlab.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Spokane Community College, Seattle City College, Portland Paramedical Center

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Director Rockwood Water 2001 to present, Regional Water Providers Consortium 2001 to present with a seat on Executive Committee, American Water Works Association 2001 to present with a seat on National Ad-hoc Advisory committee For Public Officials Program and representative of Pacific Northwest Section committee for Public Officials

Service is what Rockwood Water P.U.D is all about. I plan to help provide Quality Water with abundant storage and availability by having multiple water resources at a low cost. During my term one of the ways we have done this is by putting in two wells that will produce 7 million gallons of water per day or about 50% of the districts peak daily use. This will help control long term water rates.

My goals include conserving the revenues, keeping rates down, improving and maintaining our infrastructure.

I believe this position requires a sense of responsibility and commitment to you the patrons. I have the integrity and willingness to serve others and the ability to show good judgment when finding solutions to water issues.

I am dedicated to the needs of the district and all of its patrons. I plan to keep the lines of communication open so we can continue to develop and improve your services. I will assure that every voice is heard and every idea considered. I will do my best to be sure you are informed and have a say in all major changes in the P.U.D.

I will continue being a positive contributing member of The Rockwood Water P.U.D. Board of directors and focus on the needs of You the Patrons. I would appreciate your Vote in this coming election.

Please vote Sandra K. Ramaker for Rockwood Water P.U.D. Director district #4

(This information furnished by Sandra K.Ramaker)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023