OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Labor and employment law; public employee collective bargaining; circuit court arbitrator
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: University of Oregon, Law, Doctor of Jurisprudence; University of Oregon, Political Science, B.S.; Central Catholic High School, diploma
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Fairview City Councilor; Fairview Budget Committee; Circuit Court Arbitrator; Oregon State Bar Association Fee Dispute Arbitrator, Trial and Appellate Counsel, Ethics Trial Board Member, Ethics and Labor Law Committee Member
Community Experience: Past president and board member of Fairview Village Homeowner's Association.
Personal: Lifetime resident of Multnomah County ; Fairview resident since 1997; Married to Lidiya who is a teacher.
Darrell L. Cornelius stands for these Ideals and Solutions:
--Improve Citizen Relations. City Hall should work with and for the residents of Fairview , not against them. Citizens should be part of the solution, not the target of bureaucratic action. Citizens must be involved at the beginning and throughout the decision making process. City Hall must be an open book so that the citizens know how their money is being spent and what decisions are being made.
--Business Development. We must develop a strategy to attract high quality businesses. Much of the land remaining to be developed in Fairview is zoned for commercial purposes. Fairview does not have a worthwhile plan for attracting new businesses. New businesses are essential for our economic self sufficiency.
--Preserve Our Neighborhoods. I am opposed to high density housing and more traffic congestion. Property owners must have a strong voice in new development projects and significant changes in their neighborhoods. The public has the right to know and participate before decisions are made.
--Financial Responsibility. Fairview has had surplus funds for the last few years. These extra funds need to be used in a prudent manner. Since we have surplus funds, I oppose new taxes and will strive to eliminate the taxes the City collects on your electricity, gas and telephone usage.
(This information furnished by Darrell L. Cornelius)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.