OCCUPATION: Landscape Designer
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Heavy Construction Manager -Power Generation; Environmental Policy Analyst – Legislation, Regulation, Compliance; Contracts Administrator; Small Business Owner/Restaurant; Community/Governmental Activist
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: University of Santa Clara, 2, MBA Studies, Business; University of Oregon, 4, BA, German and Business; University of Freiburg, 2, Completion Certificates, German and Business
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Tri-Met Handicap Accessibility; Metro Solid Waste Policy; Lake Oswego White House Conference on Aging; Oregon Low Income Energy Assistance Program; Clean States Coalition to USEPA, 1990 Clear Air Act
As your mayor, I will bring a hands-on, common sense approach to the office and an open door policy that promotes meaningful public participation and respects public opinion. Priority issues and programs must be reviewed and rebalanced. This effort will require a 100% commitment of time and energy from your Mayor and includes:
- Requiring timely, cost effective, and dependable infrastructure facilities (sewer, water, roads, emergency/safety);
- Asking citizen and taxpayer input early in the decision making process;
- Practicing wise stewardship of public resources and prudent money management;
- Prioritizing spending, avoiding non-essential purchases, and keeping Lake Oswego affordable for all residents;
- Maintaining and/or improving the quality and character of our neighborhoods;
- Supporting Lake Oswego Schools to ensure quality of instruction and a variety of programs;
- Reevaluating City-owned real estate assets, use of natural resources to meet sustainability goals, and staff relationships with residents;
- Balancing economic development and growth management programs for all areas of the City;
- Emphasizing vibrant downtown and Lake Grove business districts.
I have a broad scope of heavy construction industry, small business owner, and community and governmental experience. These qualities are directly applicable to the needs and challenges facing our City which I have been a proud and active resident for 32 years. For more about me: www.surrettformayor.com. I would greatly appreciate your vote! Thank you.
(This information furnished by John Surrett)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.