OCCUPATION: Conservation Director, Audubon Society of Portland
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Adjunct Professor, Lewis and Clark Law School; Urban Conservation Director (2002-2006) and Wildlife Care Center Director (1996-2002), Audubon Society of Portland; Board of Directors, Coalition for a Livable Future; Multiple local, state and federal natural resource committees
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Lewis and Clark Law School , J.D.; Reed College , B.A. Biology
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: East Multnomah County Soil and Water Conservation District Director (appointed 2008) and Associate Director (appointed 2006)
It has been a great honor to serve as an appointed East Multnomah County Soil and Water Conservation District Associate Director and Director during the past two years, a period of great change and expansion for the District. During that time I have served on the District's Budget, Grant, Personnel, and Land Conservation Committees and as the District's Treasurer. The passage of a small levee in 2004 by district voters has allowed us to create important new programs to educate landowners about protecting natural resources, provide financial and technical assistance for urban and rural conservation projects and move into new headquarters in an under-natured neighborhood in inner East Portland .
In the coming term, my priority is to build upon this work by:
- Continuing expansion of programs to help urban and rural residents of East Multnomah County care for their land,
- Ensuring that funding provided by the 2004 district levee is spent in a fiscally responsible manner that prioritizes the greatest conservation needs and integrates the District's work with conservation efforts across the region,
- Developing our new facility in inner East Portland to serve as a showcase for sustainable development and as a community gathering place,
- Raising the profile of the District so more people are able to utilize its resources.
Please get to know your Soil and Water Conservation District. We have amazing resources and outstanding staff to help you care for your land from small inner city lots to big farms at the eastern edge of the county.
(This information furnished by Bob Sallinger)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.