November 4, 2008 - Measure No. 5-188

SCAPPOOSE BOND TO CONSTRUCT, EXPAND, UPGRADE SHOOLS; REDUCE OPERATING COSTSQUESTION: Shall District reduce operating costs, facilitate instruction by upgrading, expanding,...


QUESTION: Shall District reduce operating costs, facilitate instruction by upgrading, expanding, constructing schools, issue $33,300,000 general obligation bonds with citizen oversight?

If the bonds are approved, they will be payable from taxes on property or property ownership that are not subject to the limits of sections 11 and 11b, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution.

SUMMARY: Passage of this measure would upgrade school facilities to reduce operating costs and add classroom space to accommodate Scappoose School District 's growing enrollment by providing funds for capital construction and improvements and to pay bond issuance costs. Specifically, this measure would:

  • Reduce operating costs and increase energy efficiency by renovating and upgrading District facilities including roofing; heating/ventilation, electrical, plumbing systems; safety and security; other site upgrades;
  • Construct, furnish, equip a new elementary school on district-owned land located adjacent to Grant Watts Elementary School ;
  • Construct, furnish, equip additional classrooms at Grant Watts and/or Warren Elementary School, including other building and grounds upgrades, renovate entrance at Warren Elementary School for safety; additional classrooms and auditorium at Scappoose High School;
  • Establish citizen oversight committee to ensure bond funds are used as intended;
  • Pay bond issuance costs; and

Bonds would mature in 21 years or less from the date of issuance and may be issued in one or more series.


Planning committee identifies school needs

A nine-month, community-based planning process identified facility needs and outlined a plan for addressing the priority issues for district buildings. The bond proposal is based on recommendations from this committee, made up of school district staff and community members.

Upgrades would improve energy efficiency and address priority major building maintenance

Energy efficiency was identified as an important facility issue. As energy prices continue to rise, the buildings are becoming more expensive to operate, taking funds away from instruction.

This bond addresses priority major school maintenance and infrastructure for the district's aging schools. Improvements would include safety and security upgrades, roofs, heating/ventilation systems, electrical and plumbing systems, and asbestos removal.

All district buildings exceed the Oregon Department of Energy's recommended energy use targets. Petersen Elementary School uses more than twice the recommended target level for energy use. An estimated $100,000 per year would be saved in operational costs by replacing Petersen Elementary school and upgrading other schools for energy efficiency.

Facilitating student learning

Additional classrooms would accommodate increasing enrollment. The Scappoose community and its schools are growing. The population of Scappoose has increased from 3,529 in 1990 to over 6,000 last year.* More than 250 additional students are expected to enroll in our schools by 2020**. This bond would add classrooms to facilitate student learning. Technology infrastructure would also be increased to enhance teaching and learning.

Proposed bond projects:

  • Reduce operating costs and increase energy efficiency; safety and security; and make other school site upgrades.
  • Construct, furnish and equip a new elementary school on district-owned land located adjacent to Grant Watts Elementary School . The new school would replace Petersen Elementary School.
  • Construct, furnish and equip additional elementary classrooms at Grant Watts and Warren. Renovate entrance at Warren Elementary School for safety.
  • Add classrooms and auditorium at Scappoose High School .

Bond amount
The bond issue's principal amount cannot exceed $33.3 million. Bond proceeds can only be used for the costs associated with the projects listed on this ballot.

Estimated costs to taxpayers
The estimated tax rate increase for a $33.3 million bond would be approximately $1.71 per one thousand dollars of assessed property value per year, or approximately $171 in additional taxes for each $100,000 of assessed property value. Residents moving into the community would assist in the payment of the bond measure.

The rate could vary depending on interest rates, growth in the District's total assessed value from new homes and businesses, and other factors. For example, as the district's assessed value increases more than anticipated, the tax rate would go down. A citizens' oversight committee would be established to ensure bond funds are used as intended.

*Information Source: Oregon Economic & Community Development,

**Information Source: Scappoose School District Population and Enrollment Forecasts 2006-07 to 2020-2021, prepared by the Population Research Center, Portland State University, October, 2006.

Submitted by:

Paul D Peterson
Scappoose school District No. 1J

No argument FOR or AGAINST this measure were filed.

Last reviewed January 12, 2023