OCCUPATION: Small Business Owner, Bellagios Pizza, Gresham and Clackamas

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Owner, Operator of two restaurant franchises; Finance Manager, Westons, 8 years; Gordon Stones Clothing, 4 years

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Gresham High School; Mt. Hood Community College

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: City of Gresham: Council Transportation Advisory Committee; Council Fire Advisory Committee; Neighborhood Coalition; Development Advisory Group; Gresham Chamber of Commerce: Governmental Affairs Council

As your Councilor, Shane Bemis will work hard for our community by creating:

  • Effective and responsible Government
  • Open communication with citizens, local and regional Governments, and agencies
  • Fiscal responsibility through an “open book” budget process
  • Economic vitality through a positive business environment
  • Competitive policies to attract living wage jobs
  • Partnerships to foster Gresham’s economic stability
  • Solutions for transportation and traffic issues
  • Improvements and maintenance for Gresham’s transportation and road system
  • A better future through involvement with our youth
  • Safe and sustainable neighborhoods

Shane Bemis is community driven.

  • Raised in Gresham
  • Volunteer for East Multnomah County’s School-to-Work program
  • Volunteer on teacher certification panels
  • Served on Gresham’s Community Street Dance Committee
  • Actively involved with The Gresham Downtown Development Association
  • Gresham Chamber of Commerce, member
  • Participates in many Youth and Family organizations

Shane Bemis is endorsed by:

  • Bernie Giusto, Sheriff Elect, Multnomah County
  • Pamela Tower, Gresham Youth Sports Alliance, Chairperson
  • Robert Silverman
  • Hiroshi Morihara
  • Kathy Everett, Citizen-Historic Downtown Gresham
  • Richard Fonseca, Rico Limo
  • Mary Martin, Real-estate Broker
  • Fred Bruning, Center Oak Properties
  • Bill Willmes, City of Gresham Volunteer
  • Gresham Professional Fire Fighters, Local 1062
  • Oregon League of Conservation Votes

Make a fresh and positive change for Gresham…
Vote for Shane Bemis!

(This information furnished by Committee to Elect Shane Bemis)


OCCUPATION: Business Owner, Beltone @ Mt. Hood Hearing Aid Center

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: 1Lt. United States Air Force Reserves; Past Service: 1980’s

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Southwest Texas State University, 1980, Bachelor’s of Science Degree

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Gresham/Barlow School District Extended Budget Committee; Gresham City Progress Review Committee Member; Gresham Chamber of Commerce Member; Member Gresham-Portland Better Business Bureau

Increasing the number of jobs, improving the liability of our neighborhoods, and improving the overall quality of life for Gresham residents are three good reasons for my running for Gresham City Council.

We need more career-oriented, salaried positions created in Gresham which will lead to better housing; thereby, creating additional tax revenues for the city budget. We have plenty of lower income housing projects and service-oriented jobs now.

As your City Council Representative, I will work hard to bring quality businesses to Gresham by ensuring an adequate supply of industrial and commercially-zoned land. I would promote a Citizens Jobs Advisory Committee; as well as a Business/Government Leadership Group. I support creation of a four year degree-granting program and curriculum for Mount Hood Community College. We need these incentives to promote job growth in Gresham.

Improving the liability of our neighborhoods and Gresham’s future must be the result of a long term strategic plan, not a band-aid approach! I will work towards development of an Arts and Culture Center, curtailment of high density housing projects and protection of our parks and creation of greenway spaces.

Our natural environment and our human population growth directly determine the future of our community and the livability of our neighborhoods. A balance between jobs and housing and environmental concerns needs to be achieved. Right now, I see an imbalance. We need leaders, and public/private organizations which are not beholding of any governmental/business organization. These efforts will develop, support, and build community leadership and involvement in Gresham.

(This information furnished by John William Dillow)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023