OCCUPATION: Antiquarian and Collectible Books Dealer
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Small business owner; retail manager; instructional aide; flight attendant
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Northern Illinois University, Elementary Education
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Current Lake Oswego City Councilor; District Representative for Congresswoman Elizabeth Furse.
COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Lake Oswego Chamber of Commerce, Leadership, ’93-’94; Lake Oswego Adult Community Center; Three Rivers Land Conservancy; Oswego Heritage Council; Lake Oswego Women’s Coalition, past president; Lake Oswego Neighborhood Action Coalition (LONAC); Friends of the Lake Oswego Public Library; Lake Oswego Assets Builders Coalition (LO ABC), key partner; KBPS-FM, Pledge volunteer
Lake Oswego is a special community with superb educational and recreational opportunities, beautiful parks and open spaces, successful businesses, and citizens willing to actively address and solve issues of concern.
During my term on City Council, we have made tremendous, positive progress:
- Redeveloping our downtown
- Addressing ways to preserve neighborhood character
- Pursuing Willamette River frontage for public access
- Aggressive acquisition of unique and scarce open spaces
- Initiating sustainable measures for maintaining and enhancing our City’s environment
While we can point with pride to what has been accomplished, there is still more to do. My goals for next term:
- Support the continuing success of businesses along the Boones Ferry Corridor/Kruse Way
- Seek solutions to increasing traffic problems
- Maintain the Willamette Shore Rail Line as a Viable commute alternative
- Pursue more open space options
- Historic preservation
- Make a commitment to our children to further develop a city in which they can thrive
- Integrity
- An unshakable belief that one person can make a difference
- Dependable, hard work with timely follow-through
- The ability to listen well and research issues
- A teamwork attitude
- A good sense of humor
I am the person who will continue working responsibly, diligently and creatively to achieve even more positive outcomes for our unique community.
(This information furnished by Gay Graham, Re-Elect Gay Graham for City Council)

OCCUPATION: Businessman, Investor
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Financial Analyst, Hyster Co.; Controller, Magnetech; Treasurer, Oregon Natural Gas Development; Private Investor
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Pomona College, B.A., Economics; University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business, M.B.A., Finance and Management
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Chair and Member, Lake Oswego Budget Committee; Chair, Lake Oswego Shuttle Transit Advisory Committee; Member, Lake Oswego, West Linn Aquatic Facility Task Force
OTHER VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: Former Executive Committee & Treasurer, U.S.A. Swimming; Former Chair, Northwest Pilot Project, Housing for poor and elderly; Former Member, Portland Area Council of Campfire; Chair, Lake Oswego Neighborhood Action Coalition (LONAC); Former Chair, Financial Executive International, Portland Chapter
Protect and Improve Our Community
Jeff Gudman has lived in Lake Oswego for 25 years and is proud of our great schools, clean water and community spirit. Jeff wants to ensure that our long-term community goals are being met while continuing to fund essential public services like police and fire protection.
Proven Effective Leadership
Jeff has the experience and leadership necessary we need. He understands that we need effective leaders who will seek reasonable, common-sense solution. He will listen and be open to new ideas and different viewpoints.
Fiscal Conservative, Compassionate Volunteer
Jeff knows that during these tough economic times, government should be living within their means just as many of us must do. His experience on the budget committee reviewing three city budgets has shown him that we can prioritize our spending to avoid needlessly raising taxes. As a community volunteer, Jeff has worked with our young people and given his time and effort to make Lake Oswego a better place for everyone.
“I’m running for City Council because I care about protecting Lake Oswego’s quality of life. I want to bring people together to develop thoughtful, long-term solutions to the challenges facing our community. I look forward to talking with you and would be honored to have your vote.” — Jeff Gudman
(This information furnished by Jeff Gudman)

OCCUPATION: Present: Attorney at Law
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Deputy County Counsel, Multnomah County; Environmental Science Instructor, Washington State University; Instructor, Northwestern School of Law, Lewis & Clark College; US Army, 82nd Airborne Division; Ski Instructor
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Washington State University, Zoology, B.S.; Washington State University, Environmental Science, M.S.; Northwestern School of Law; Lewis & Clark College, J.D.
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Current: Lake Oswego City Councilor; Past: Chair and Member, Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation Advisory Board; Chair and Member, Lake Oswego Team Sports Advisory Committee; Lake Oswego Lakewood Bay Park Advisory Committee; Lake Oswego Luscher Farm Task Force
OTHER COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Resident of Lake Oswego for 27 years; Lake Oswego Chamber of Commerce; Friends of Luscher Farm; Past President of Lake Oswego Soccer Club; Youth Sports’ Coach
City Council should continue to work with the School Board to provide a strong school system by maximizing the sharing of facilities, resources and personnel.
City Council must implement a balanced approach to growth to preserve Lake Oswego’s quality of life. Growth should not be allowed to overwhelm roads, schools, parks and police and fire departments.
New parks should be developed. Open spaces are needed to preserve natural resources, green spaces and streams.
Neighborhoods play a critical role in building a sense of community and maintaining the character of Lake Oswego. Strong neighborhood associations are an important vehicle for voicing local issues.
City Council and local officials must be accessible to citizens and recognize the importance of citizens’ involvement. City Council should encourage the public sector, the private sector and volunteer associations to work together to address community issues.
(This information furnished by Jack D. Hoffman)

OCCUPATION: Transportation and Land Use Planning Consultant
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: TriMet’s Strategic Planning Manager; 1000 Friends of Oregon-Transportation Advocate; Metro-Travel Forecasting; City of Portland-Traffic Calming; Wisconsin Transportation-Highway Engineer
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Civil Engineering, Bachelors of Science; Portland State University, Urban and Regional Planning, Masters
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Lake Oswego Foothills Road Redevelopment Task Force; Metro’s Transportation Policy Alternatives Committee and Technical Advisory Committee; Oregon’s Access Management Task Force; State Transportation Improvement Program Stakeholder Committee; Port of Portland’s Airport Task Force
Community Service: Chair, First Addition Neighborhood Association; Chair, Clackamas County Oregon League of Conservation Voters; Lake Oswego Millennium Band; Lake Oswego Neighborhood Association Coalition; Lake Oswego Leadership Class.
“I’m voting for Lynn Peterson because she has a solid background on the issues and is committed to protecting our wonderful city.” Herald Campbell, Former Mayor of Lake Oswego
Neighboring cities are making decisions that could increase traffic through our community, develop adjacent open space and harm our fragile business environment.
PROTECTING OUR FUTURE. As a planner, Lynn developed sound local and regional relationships that will be an asset as she works to ensure that Lake Oswego remains strong, active and unique.
“I’m voting for Lynn Peterson because she is committed to developing our existing parks and protecting land for open space preservation” – Stephanie Wagner, Executive Director, Friends of Tryon Creek
STRENGTHENING OUR NEIGHBORHOODS AND SCHOOLS. Lynn believes that great neighborhoods and great schools are the foundation of great cities and that a strong City/neighborhood/school district partnership is essential on issues that affect our children.
SUPPORTING A HEALTHY BUSINESSES ENVIRONMENT. Lynn will encourage a healthy entrepreneurial environment throughout the city – from Lake Grove to downtown to Palisades.
“We’re voting for Lynn Peterson because she supports local business as an important part of the community” – Pete Ward-Pete Ward’s Travel; Owen Duffy-Owen’s Place; and Paul and Teri Graham-Graham’s Stationery.
(This information furnished by Lynn Peterson for City Council)