English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian, Ukrainian, Somali.
Contacts: Tim Scott and Edward Gutiérrez, 503-988-8683 (VOTE) ; Jessica Morkert-Shibley, 971-563-3735*Please be aware that due to the limited number of voters participating in this upcoming election, there will be fewer press releases issued during this election cycle.
The Nov. 7, 2023 Special Election is coming up
The next election in Multnomah County is the Nov. 7, 2023 Special Election. This election includes just three ballot measures: one for the City of Maywood Park, one for the Riverdale Fire District and one for the Scappoose School District. Only about 3,000 voters who live in these districts will receive a ballot for this election. To learn more about this election, visit: multnomahvotes.gov.
It's important to make sure that your voter registration is accurate and up-to-date. Remember to update your voter registration anytime you move, change your name, or want to change your party affiliation.
The voter registration deadline, for voters in this election, is Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2023. Register to vote online at: oregonvotes.gov/register. Voters can check or update their registration online at: oregonvotes.gov/myvote. Voters can also register in person at the Multnomah County Duniway-Lovejoy Elections Building located at 1040 S.E. Morrison St., Portland, during office hours.
The November 7, 2023 election is only for registered voters in the Scappoose School District, Riverdale Rural Fire Protection District and the City of Maywood Park. The Voting Center Express will not open for this election. The Voting Center Express will open April 29, 2024 for the May 21, 2024 Primary Election. If you have questions, call 503-988-8683 (VOTE).
Don't forget to sign up for our Track Your Ballot service! As a Multnomah County voter, you can sign up to receive alerts via text, phone, or email. Know when your ballot is mailed out to you and also when it has been accepted for counting after you vote and return it.
For a list of election services, visit: multco.us/elections/i-want.
Ballots will start being mailed to voters on Wednesday, Oct. 18. Ballots must be postmarked on Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023 or received at an Official Ballot Drop Site by 8 p.m. on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 7.
Important dates:
- Friday, Sept. 22: Military/overseas ballots mailed
- Monday, Oct, 9: Out-of-state ballots mailed
- Tuesday, Oct. 17: Voter registration deadline
- Wednesday, Oct. 18: Ballots begin to be mailed to voters
- Tuesday, Nov. 7: Election Day
- Monday, Dec. 4: Final election results certified
Accessibility and language assistance for voters
Voters can seek help with voting from a trusted friend, family member or acquaintance. They can also contact Multnomah County Elections to request voting- and election-related assistance. The Elections Division’s Voter Assistance Teams are available to aid voters either at their residence, the facility they reside in, or at an elections service location in southeast Portland. This help is always provided at no cost. By law, employers or union representatives are not permitted to offer voter assistance.
Voters also have the option to request voting assistance in their preferred language. Multnomah County Elections has a team of multilingual staff who can assist you. Additionally, the Elections Division offers free interpreter services for individuals who require assistance in languages other than English during the voting or elections processes. This includes telephone or video interpretation services available in any language, including American Sign Language (ASL).
Candidate Filing is open for the May 21, 2024 Primary Election
The Candidate and Precinct Committee Persons filings for the upcoming May 21, 2024 Primary Election are now open as of September 14, 2023. The filing deadline for these positions will close on March 12, 2024.
Candidate positions scheduled to be on the May 21, ballot include:
- Multnomah County - Commissioner for Districts 1, 3, & 4
- Metro - Councilor for Districts 3, 5 & 6
The measure filing deadline is March 21, 2024. A Special District or County Measure must file notice of ballot title by March 1, 2024.
The City of Portland's six elected positions will not appear on the May ballot. For more information visit: City of Portland Elections office.