Portland Community College

Zone 4

Serin Bussell

Occupation: Procurement Analyst, Portland Parks & Recreation Bureau; Community Organizer (she/her)

Occupational Background: Chief of Staff, Oregon State Senator Jeff Golden; Board Chair, Crag Law Center

Educational Background: MBA, Willamette University; MS Geology, PSU; BA Earth Science, Boston University; Student, PCC Business Development Courses

Prior Governmental Experience: Geologist, Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries; Management Analyst, Metro Regional Government; Chair, Portland Open & Accountable Elections Commission; Precinct Committee Person, Multnomah County


  • Tuition Reform – As a former PCC student, I know how challenging paying for education can be. I will fight to contain costs and leverage State and Federal dollars, so students can graduate with financial stability.
  • Equity & Inclusion – PCC must end racial and economic disparities in student enrollment, performance, and completion, and in hiring and retention of employees.
  • Food & Housing Security – I will help PCC Pathways to Opportunity strengthen partnerships with nonprofits and community-based organizations, to ensure all students have a safe roof over their head and food on the table.
  • Healthcare for All – I have many connections with PCC faculty and staff, and understand their healthcare needs. PCC can be a leader in ensuring all students, faculty, and staff have quality, affordable healthcare.

“Serin is exactly what PCC’s board needs: a smart, hard- working, and engaged advocate for students, faculty, and staff.” Aurora del Val, Former PCC Instructor & PCCFFAP Faculty Representative-Southeast


PCC Federation of Faculty and Academic Professionals
PCC Federation of Classified Employees
PCC Board Member Alex Diaz Rios

State Representatives Wlnsvey Campos, Dacia Grayber, Courtney Neron, Rob Nosse, Khanh Pham, Rachel Prusak, Ricki Ruiz
Former State Representative Alissa Keny-Guyer
State Senators Jeff Golden, Kate Lieber, Deb Patterson

Beaverton Mayor Lacey Beaty
Hillsboro City Councilor Olivia Alcaire
Former Portland City Commissioner Amanda Fritz
Washington County Commissioner Nafisa Fai
MESD Board Member Katrina Doughty
Gresham-Barlow School Board Member Amanda Orozco- Beach

Working Families Party
Oregon Progressive Party
NW Oregon Labor Council
Pacific Northwest Regional
Council of Carpenters

...and more... www.serinbussell.com

(This information furnished by Friends of Serin Bussell)

Zone 4

Jim Harper

Occupation: Oregon Real Estate Broker

Occupational Background: Executive Director, C.A.S.H. (Creating, Assets, Savings, and Hope); Vice-President, Morrison Child and Family Services; Executive Director, Arras Corp; Director of Human Resources, Wacker Siltronic; Division Manager, Tektronix, Inc.

Educational Background: Gaston High School, Diploma General; Portland State University, General Studies, BS with emphasis on education.

Prior Governmental Experience: School-to-Career Liaison for Multnomah County

Jim Harper has proven and effective leadership skills at the Local, State and National level:

Local: Chair of PCC Board of Directors three different times; PCC Foundation Board of Directors for 26 plus years

State: Past Chair of Oregon Community College Association (awarded their Howard Cherry Annual award for outstanding trustee 2011); Past Ex-Officio member of the Oregon School Boards Association (2006-2014).

National: Served two terms as elected member of the ACCT (National Board of Community Trustees); Served two years as the ACCT Pacific Region Director; Awarded the Pacific Region Trustee Leadership Award 2011.

PCC is a place where students can earn a quality education via: a certificate, associate degree or get started in their pursuit of a four year degree. PCC also provides an excellent technical education to individuals who are interested in new skills or improving their existing skills.

I am dedicated to student success, accessibility and affordability.


(This information furnished by Jim Harper)

Zone 4

Dmitriy Sashchenko

Occupation: Executive Director & Co-Founder, Slavic Vote, Non-Profit

Occupational Background: KiwBasa Catering & Events, New Seasons,Value Added Lead, Volunteered on multiple non-partisan races

Educational Background: Oregon Culinary Institute, Diploma, IRCO/Engage Community Development

Prior Governmental Experience: Multnomah County Census Outreach Specialist, Commissioner Lori Stegmann, PCP

Growing up in a large immigrant family, I have always placed a high value on the opportunities that education provides. PCC offers a more affordable alternative to local students wishing to develop professional skills and enhance their knowledge.

To me and my family, community colleges have always represented a path to success in the American dream.

Still, many immigrants and first-generation students are marginalized by the college application and enrollment process. Without a close relationship with someone who has completed the process, navigating this complex financial and sometimes bureaucratic decision, many lose hope.

We can do better.

As we transition back to in-person learning, we have a unique opportunity to reshape our education to make it more equitable, sustainable, and convenient for all students.

As Director for Portland Community College, I will be able to represent a voice that is often missing at the table where decisions are made.

The difficulties and hurdles facing students today are greater than they ever have been and it’s time we fix this. Together, we can fight to help all students by

  • lowering the cost of tuition and books to rid PCC of the obstacles
  • Providing desperately needed resources to immigrants
  • Engaging with all stakeholders to ensure our college empowers students to be leaders within Multnomah Cunty

I humbly ask for your vote.

Endorsed by:

  • Jack Kerfoot
  • James Hieb - Canby City Planning Commission
  • Richard P. Burke - Fmr. Chair, Oregon Govt. Ethics Commission
  • Gabiel Braet - President, James Anthony Braet LLC
  • Bridget Barton - Principal, Third Century Solutions
  • Andrey Ivanov - Flash Love Non- Prof Org.
  • Liliya Zhukova – Start Here Consulting
  • Andrey Georgiyev – Slavic Smirna Church, Youth Pastor
  • Sue Piazza – Gresham City Councilor
  • Ben Edtl – Executive Director, Free Oregon PAC

(This information furnished by Dmitriy Sashchenko)

Zone 5

Dan Saltzman

Occupation: Community Volunteer

Occupational Background: Owner, Environmental Management Solutions

Educational Background: MS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; BS, Cornell University; Beaverton High School

Prior Governmental Experience: Portland City Commissioner; Multnomah County Commissioner; PCC Board of Directors

I ask for your support to continue serving on the PCC Board because I cherish the role of our community colleges: a place where people from all nations, cultures, and walks of life come to seek a better life, opportunity, and happiness. As the grandson of immigrants, I believe It is more important than ever that PCC be a diverse and welcoming place for immigrants and refugees.

But that vision is threatened by harsh realities facing our students:

  • Lack of affordable housing and homelessness
  • Food insecurity
  • Increasing tuition and other expenses

During 30 years of elected service on the PCC Board, at Multnomah County and the City of Portland, I have worked on these issues and have shown I understand the importance of balanced budgets, establishing policy, good labor relations, and listening to concerns of our students and residents.

My priorities include:

  • Ensuring programs remain relevant and in demand by employers.
  • Helping veterans transition their skills to the private or public sector.
  • Expanding the number of students and scholarships for the Portland Teacher’s Program, a joint program of PSU and PCC, to increase the number of minority teachers in our local schools.
  • Creating a learning center in the Beaverton Town Center, convenient for neighbors, bus, and light rail commuters.
  • Partnering with Meals-on-Wheels to provide services for food insecure students and their families.
  • Ensuring every student has an equal shot at success, and that they complete their studies; that our workforce reflects our population; and that we provide procurement opportunities for minority and women-owned businesses.

I will also push for PCC to consider partnering with Portland or Metro to obtain bond funds to develop housing for struggling students, and to think creatively on developing vacant PCC land or surface parking lots into affordable housing.

I would appreciate your vote.

(This information furnished by Friends of Dan Saltzman)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023