Riverdale School District

Director, Position 1

Jeff Dominitz

Occupation: Economist (Principal Researcher at non- profit Education Analytics)

Occupational Background: Economics professor/ researcher/instructor (Carnegie Mellon University, University of Southern California, California Institute of Technology, University of Michigan); Senior Economist (RAND Corporation); Director of Statistics (Philadelphia Eagles); Senior Director (Resolution Economics); Economics/Analytics Consultant (Sole Proprietor)

Educational Background: University of Virginia, B.A., Economics; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Ph.D., Economics

Prior Governmental Experience: Community member of the Riverdale School District Budget Committee

Since moving into the Riverdale School District seven years ago, I’ve been deeply involved in the Riverdale school community as a parent of three, as a volunteer in the classroom and on the ball fields, and as a member of various volunteer committees.

I have spent my professional career working to help households, businesses, and governmental organizations make better decisions. For the past year, I’ve been working with school districts and states across the country to help them respond to Covid-19. Yes, helping leaders in K-12 education innovate using data and technology is literally my day job.

Now, I want to use my experience and expertise to help our district.

We need to bring positive change to the leadership of the Riverdale School District

  • To make that happen, we need to elect new Board members on May 18

Let’s make a true commitment to excellence

We need leadership with vision to

  • Build on our academic strengths and address our weaknesses at RGS and RHS
  • Continue to enhance supports for the emotional wellbeing of our students
  • Identify opportunities for Riverdale to stand out
  • Ensure our long-term financial stability and integrity

Let’s bring our community together

  • We need to rebuild trust and our sense of common purpose through transparency, appropriate communications,

and demonstrating that we value and respect all of our community members with a commitment to inclusion

Let’s tackle our problems head on

Check out dominitz4riverdale.org to learn more

(This information furnished by Jeff Dominitz for Riverdale)

Director, Position 3

Carrie Outhier Banks

Occupation: Domestic Violence Advocate, Author (release 2021!)

Occupational Background: Executive Director, DVSD

Educational Background: UTennesse, BA, UArkensas, MA, GMU- PhD

Prior Governmental Experience: Incumbent Chair- Riverdale School Board

A vote for Incumbent Carrie Banks is a vote for financial stability, experienced leadership and the only candidate and Board member with a child at Riverdale High School.

It has been an honor and privilege leading the Riverdale School Board as Chair during our transition from CDL back to in-person school, while shepherding new administrations at both the High School and District levels. Representing Riverdale on the MESD Regional Equity Board and MESD budget committee has strengthened connections for our schools. I will continue to work closely with our Superintendent and new Business Manager to improve the timeliness and accuracy of our financial projections in order to pass a student-centric budget each year.

I recommended that we conduct a new extensive 2021-2025 Strategic Plan involving input from all constituents leading to a more unified district/community with clear direction and vision. As we push to return all students to the classroom this spring, I will work with the administration to quickly address any educational gaps and impacts as a result of being away from in-person learning. Additionally, I am asking for the opportunity to continue working to address the following:

High School

  • Continuing to highlight the enhancement of educational, racial and religious equity, diversity and anti-bullying programs -- Anti-Semitism witnessed by my children and our Special Education experience make it personal for me
  • Solidifying the College Counselor position through consistent funding, strengthening our college prep program
  • Elevating science and math curriculum ultimately raising AP participation and test scores
  • Returning field studies

Grade School

  • Maintaining coveted small class sizes
  • Selecting talented, committed leadership
  • Establishing funds for a certified librarian position
  • Revisiting preschool options with parents

My family and I are proud to have been residents and supporters of the Riverdale district for over 13 years. I would appreciate your vote.

(This information furnished by Carrie Outhier Banks)

Director, Position 3

Michele Rosenbaum

Occupation: President, Elizabella, Inc.

Occupational Background: Retail; Real Estate Investments

Educational Background: University of California Los Angeles

Prior Governmental Experience: Riverdale District HS/GS Equity, Interview Committees; Notary Public

My husband and I chose Riverdale in 2008, have four wonderful children and are deeply invested in the success of our schools. I have volunteered extensively throughout my years in Dunthorpe/Riverdale and have had children in every classroom from Pre-K through 12th grade.

  • Back to School: I am committed to thoroughly planning to provide full-time, uninterrupted education in the fall while building our reputation for academic excellence into the future.
  • Fiscal Viability and Responsibility: We have a vested interest in our district and we must safeguard the longevity and growth of our community. I will ask difficult budget questions that concern our supporting taxpayers. My background in real estate and business has prepared me to manage district financials to ensure the success of our schools.
  • Connection and Transparency: I will rebuild community trust by recognizing and utilizing our parents as assets. While bringing back open communication among community members and leadership, my decision process will always consider our students first.
  • Elevating Academic Excellence: We can distinguish Riverdale as one of the best school districts in the country by further developing individualized education and programs such as special education and TAG.
  • Commitment to Equity and Embracing Diversity:

I am committed to offering a well-rounded Riverdale education that values and enhances our students’ different backgrounds and perspectives.

“Michele is an organized leader that is adept at providing clear, consistent communication. She has also worked hard over the years to make Riverdale the best it can be. I cannot recommend anyone more highly than Michele for Riverdale School Board director.” - Henry Hillman

“Michele has stepped up at a critical time for our high school. After having kids at the high school, she knows what it takes to support college goals, excellence in education and our students first.” - Mary Potter

Learn more at: RosenbaumforRiverdale.org

(This information furnished by Michele Rosenbaum)

Director, Position 5

Allison Williams

Occupation: Investigator, Litigation Consultant, Riverdale Volunteer

Occupational Background: Attorney

Educational Background: University of Texas; Lewis and Clark Law School

Prior Governmental Experience: Multnomah County Deputy District Attorney

Allison’s Commitment to Riverdale


  • Students deserve access to a full-time education with a live teacher. I will make student-centered decisions based in science.
  • Our district will benefit from increased academic offerings including TAG, languages and electives, college prep coursework, enhanced STEM and programs that make Riverdale unique.


  • Riverdale schools must differentiate themselves as programs of academic excellence, demonstrating the strength of public schools.
  • Our families and community are our biggest assets. I will embrace creative thinking and collaboration to utilize our many talents and resources.


  • The role of the School Board is to create a strategic vision for the district and oversee its execution by the Superintendent.
  • Planning to restore full school days must be fiscally responsible and consistent with the long-term financial stability of our district.
  • The school board must establish a culture of compliance

to ensure accountability and legal and ethical integrity.


  • Frequency and quality of communications must be increased to improve the district-community relationship.
  • I will encourage regular opportunities for dialogue between community members and district leadership that demonstrate an appreciation for diverse viewpoints.

Riverdale Volunteer Positions

  • Riverdale Foundation: Annual Campaign Acting Co-Chair, Director, Call Captain
  • Riverdale School District: Strategic Development Planning Team, Superintendent Interview Team
  • Riverdale Grade School PTC Board: President, President Elect, Co-Chair of Communications
  • Riverdale Grade School Auction: Co-Chair, Procurement Chair, Co-Chair of Communications

“She stepped in as my acting co-chair on the Riverdale Foundation Annual Campaign during the most challenging fundraising year on record, bringing to the table innovative ideas and thought-provoking interpretations. She has incredible empathy and a vision for our schools that ascribes to excellence in education and our shared community experience. I cannot recommend her highly enough for the position of school board member.” - Amber Hillman


(This information furnished by Allison Williams for Riverdale School Board)

Director, Position 5

Kevin McPherson

Occupation: Regional Director, Fidelity Asset Management; Riverdale Incumbent School District Board Member; Riverdale Basketball Coach

Occupational Background: Marketing Director; Riverdale School District Coach

Educational Background: University of California, Berkeley, Economics, BA

Prior Governmental Experience: Riverdale Incumbent School District Board Member

Together We Are Better

My life’s experiences and perspective have prepared me to make a lasting impact on my community. I ask for your vote to help make Riverdale the best educational environment for all students and families.

My Story

My wife and I were raised by public school educators, giving us an appreciation for a quality education and volunteerism in our school community. For these reasons, we enrolled our daughter into Riverdale as an out-of-District family 13 years ago. We subsequently moved in District and our younger daughter now attends Riverdale. I served as a volunteer coach for the 5th and 6th grade girls’ basketball team and assisted with High School Track. I am currently a District employee coaching girls’ 7th and 8th grade basketball.

30 years of financial industry experience gives me the ability to understand budgeting, planning and compliance. When the Board position became available in December, I felt providing an additional perspective to the voices already on the Board would serve to strengthen the decision-making process and enhance outcomes to better represent the broader community.

Top Priorities

  • Returning to Full Day Instruction
  • Staffing Stability
  • Increasing Financial Stability
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Small Class Size
  • Curriculum Expansion

My Contributions
Since being unanimously appointed in December to fill the remaining term of this seat, I have:

  • Advocated for the safe return of students to the classroom;
  • Provided input on the:
    • Memorandum of Understanding with the Teachers’ Association, facilitating the return to the classroom for students;
    • Lease agreement with Portland Public Schools;
    • Development of Bias Incident Complaint Procedure;
    • Educational Equity Policy;
  • Represented Riverdale on the Multnomah Educational Service District Regional Board Equity Team.

Your vote will allow me to continue the work I have just begun.


(This information furnished by Kevin McPherson)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023