Instructions for completing your ballot

Examine your official ballot and vote it.
Marking Correctly on a ballot. A oval filled in.

Examine your official ballot. Locate the candidate or measure response (YES or NO) of your choice for each contest. To vote, you must completely darken the oval to the left of the response of your choice with black or blue ink.
Write in English
Write-in Votes To vote for a write-in candidate, one whose name does not appear on the official ballot, completely darken the oval to the left of the solid line provided for the office and write the full name of the candidate on that line.

Remember: If you vote for more than the number of candidates allowed for an office, or you vote both YES and NO on a measure, it is called an OVERVOTE, and your vote for that position or measure will NOT be counted.
Ballot Marking in English
Made a mistake or change your mind?If you make a mistake or change your mind while marking your ballot, you may request a replacement ballot from the Elections Division or you may make your changes on the ballot. It is critical that you make your choice obvious because election workers will inspect each ballot to make sure voter intent is understood and the ballot is counted correctly.

You don't have to vote in all contests. Your other votes will still count. You cannot change your vote once you've mailed or dropped off your ballot.

Review your ballot and prepare to return it.
Ensure you have correctly marked your choice for each contest. Your official ballot may contain contests printed on both front and back.

If you make an error on your ballot, damage it in any way, or lose it, contact the Multnomah County Elections Division at 503-988-8683 to request assistance.

Prepare to return your voted ballot. Place the ballot in the ballot return envelope. Election staff will ensure the secrecy of your ballot.
Remember: Read the Voter’s Statement on the ballot return envelope and sign it inside the signature box. Your ballot will not be counted if the ballot return envelope is not signed. Every signature is checked against the registration signature on file and the signature must match for the ballot to be counted.
Return your ballot.By mail: Vote early and return your ballot by mail. No stamp needed! Get your ballot in the mail on or before Election Day to ensure it is received by our office on time. Ballots must be postmarked on or before Election Day in order to count.

In person at an Official Ballot Drop Site: Deliver the signed and sealed ballot return envelope to any Official Ballot Drop Site no later than 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.

Contact Multnomah County Elections Division to request assistance if:

  • you make a mistake
  • your ballot is damaged
  • your ballot is lost
or for any other reason.
Contact:Multnomah County Elections Division503-988-VOTE (8683)www.mcelections.orgelections@multco.usOregon Relay Service: 1-800-735-2900
Last reviewed January 12, 2023