OCCUPATION: Buyer Do-it Best Corp 1991- present; Small Buisness Owner
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Purchasing/Sales Buckeye Pacific Corp
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: University of Oregon School of Business BS Finance/Administration
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Current Lake Oswego Citizen Budget Committee Member
Personal: Lake Oswego resident for 20 + years. Family: Wife Elisa and two daughters in the Lake Oswego Public School District.
As your City Councilor, I will work to bring clarity and balance to the decision making process of the Council. I will seek out and encourage a wide variety of citizen input, and find affordable solutions for our community. I will bring responsible progress to Lake Oswego by:
Restoring Trust in City Government
Seek and encourage all citizen viewpoints
Resolve West End Building Issue
Respect Private Property Rights of Citizens
Improve visibility and accessibility of budget committee meetings
Promote a full discussion of transit options when planning our future
Prioritizing Spending
Ensure sufficient funding for police, fire, and EMS services
Identify opportunities to reduce LO-Tigard Water Partnership costs
Monitor Foothills Framework Plan expenditures and recommendations
Audit city operations to eliminate waste and duplication of services
Reaching Out to Local Business
Promote Lake Oswego to attract and retain business
Expedite implementation of the Lake Grove Village Plan
Provide an environment that supports and nurtures small business
Supporting Lake Oswego Schools, Community and Livability
Investigate opportunities to partner with our schools to maintain excellence
Commit to preserving and protecting each of our unique neighborhoods
Keep Lake Oswego affordable for all our citizens
Dan is endorsed by
Professional Firefighters of Clackamas County, IAFF Local 1159
Mary Oslon, Lake Oswego City Council
(This information furnished by Dan Williams)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.