Election Day Turnout

Number of Eligible Voters in Multnomah County: 363,541 - * Method of calculating eligible voters


Ballots Received (Cumulative)

Voter Turnout

05-06-02 1,628 .004%
05-07-028,557 2%
05-08-02 14,780 4%
05-09-02 19,857 5%
05-10-02 24,602 7%
05-13-02 32,121 9%
05-14-02 40,485 11%
05-15-0248,397 13%
05-16-0256,839 16%
05-17-02 69,015 19%
05-18-02 88,559 24%
* 05-20-02 109,311 30%
05-21-02Election Day Turnout (updated throughout the day) - see below
Number of Registered Voters in Multnomah County: 363,541 * Method of calculating eligible voters

Returns on 5-21-02

Ballots Received on 5-21-02

Voter Turnout

8:00 a.m. (estimate) 114,869 32%
11:00 a.m.(estimate) 119,930 33%
2:00 p.m. (estimate) 126,869 35%
5:00 p.m. (estimate) 133,269 37%
6:00 p.m. (estimate) 138,469 38%
8:00 p.m. (estimate) 145,669 40%
Final Update (5/31/02)162,444 46.89%
Last reviewed January 12, 2023