May 2003 Special Election - CENTENNIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT - Director, Position 3, At Large

VIKKI KAY BURNSIDEOCCUPATION: I currently work as a contract loan processor. I do this so that I have a great deal of flexibility to be where my kids and family need me...


OCCUPATION: I currently work as a contract loan processor. I do this so that I have a great deal of flexibility to be where my kids and family need me. If its at school, after school or at functions.

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: I have worked as a bank teller, loan servicing, loan processor, loan officer; I keep linking myself with Mortgage banking.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: I went completely through the Centennial School system from 1968-1980. I took classes at Mt Hood Community College and University of Oregon.


I want to be part of the School Board so that I can get a better look at the inside and how I might advocate for children. I want to keep activities alive and well in Our school district.
I am an advocate for children. The Centennial Educational system has had a positive impact on my life. I’m all about keeping programs in Schools.
I have always been a participator and a volunteer. I have worked very hard in, and at any function, club, or organization that I have ever been involved with to create a welcoming tone and invite and include others.
I have been involved with PTA in Centennial District as a chair of many committees, Vice president, and President of Lynch View PTA.
I have been involved with Scouting and held a secretary position.
I was appointed to the Centennial budget committee on 11-09-94 three-year term.
I have sat on committees for the district.

Ive been involved with many sports associations in the district, soccer, basketball, baseball, score keeping, running concessions, you name it. I’m open to supporting kids anyway I can to keep teams of kids playing. Ive helped out with plays, concerts ran talent shows. Music for children is a must.
It’s all the extra activities that can make the difference in someone’s life and their future.

(This information furnished by Vikki Kay Burnside)


OCCUPATION: Bank Officer – Wells Fargo Bank 2001 to present

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Credit Card Operations – Wells Fargo Bank

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Oregon State University 1999-2000; Centennial High School 1995-1999


Schools today face a variety of challenges, and the Centennial district is no exception. New, innovative solutions are called for in order to maintain reasonable class size and provide a top-quality education during the current climate of economic instability. Our school board needs a fresh perspective. As both a former student and a current district resident and taxpayer, I can provide valuable insights to help address these concerns.
I began my involvement in Centennial as a student, starting at Lynch View elementary and continuing all the way up though the high school, graduating in 1999. While a student, I donated hundreds of hours in volunteer work for the district. Now, as a community member, I maintain my commitment to the support of education by continuing to volunteer in the schools.
With the arrival of a new superintendent, it is time to give new thinking and ideas a chance. As a member of the school board, one of my top priorities would be to speak with the people who are actually in the classrooms – the teachers. Teaching is a challenging job. Teachers need to be valued and respected as professionals. In order for our district to be successful, all members of our district – teachers, parents, administrators and community members need to work together in order to provide the best education possible for the students of Centennial.
Another priority would be to encourage business partnerships. Because an educated workforce benefits everyone, supporting local schools is an investment into their future.
Representing the community would be my most important job. I would attend local school and neighborhood meetings to keep informed of current concerns and issues which need to be addressed by the district. As your representative on the school board, I will be your voice.

(This information furnished by Rian Kelsay)


OCCUPATION: Homemaker; Volunteer Cherry Blossom Loaves and Fishes

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Accounting; Inventory Control

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Harding University, B.A. Business Education; Columbia Christian College, A.A.; Ontario (Oregon) High School

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Centennial School Board and all budget committees 1991-2003

I have three children who have attended Centennial schools. One is at Centennial High School, one is in a post-high school MESD job skills program and one is a college junior.

As a result of my participation in my children’s education for the past fifteen years, I am convinced of the need for citizens, particularly parents, to become involved in their local education system at every level.

As a citizen and parent, I have participated in my children’s education in many ways, including the following:

• Centennial School Board Zone 3 and Budget Committees – 1991 to 2003
• Academic All Stars judge – 7 years
• Centennial Invitational Track and Field volunteer – 4 years
• CHS Band Parents Association
• Booster Club – Centennial Middle School – 6 years
• PTA officer (Vice President) at Harold Oliver Primary, 1990-1991
• School volunteer – 11 yrs. Harold Oliver Elementary

I am encouraged by the standards the Centennial School District has set in academics and citizenship for its students, and with the continual efforts to encourage students to attain excellence, even while struggling with the deplorable financial straits the state has allowed our schools to fall into. I want to continue my involvement with Centennial, the best school district in Oregon, and support its proactive and positive approach to education.

I believe that my experiences as parent, community volunteer and board member show my commitment to being an involved citizen, and makes me an effective and responsive board member of the Centennial School District.

(This information furnished by Toni O'Donnell)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023