OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Public employee collective bargaining; labor and employment law.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: University of Oregon, Law, JD; University of Oregon, Political Science, BS; Central Catholic High School, diploma.

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Oregon State Bar and Multnomah County Bar Association Committees.

COMMUNITY EXPERIENCE: Past president of the Fairview Homeowners Association; neighborhood activist.

PERSONAL: Fairview resident since 1997. Lifetime resident of Multnomah County. Married to Lidiya who works for the Reynolds School District.

Darrell Cornelius

Stands for these Ideals and Solutions

Future Development. The public must be included in new development projects and significant changes in their neighborhoods. The public has the right to know and participate before decisions are made.

Public Safety. Our police department is understaffed. As our population grows, so will our need for greater police protection. We need the addition of at least two more police personnel within the next four years.

Preserve Our Neighborhoods. I am opposed to high density housing and more traffic congestion. No more large multi-family projects should be permitted. Traffic congestion north of Sandy must be relieved. Road improvements on NE 223rd must be made in a manner that does not destroy the Original Fairview neighborhood. Property owners should have a strong voice in regulations that affect their property.

Improve Citizen Relations. City Hall should work with and for the residents of Fairview, not against them. Citizens should be a part of the solution, not the target of bureaucratic action. Citizens must be involved at the beginning of a problem and throughout the decision making process. A Citizen Advisory Committee should be created to make recommendations to the City Council, Mayor and department heads.

Business Development. We must develop a strategy to attract high quality businesses. Much of the land remaining to be developed in Fairview is zoned for commercial purposes. Fairview has no worthwhile plan for attracting new commercial enterprises. New businesses are essential to our economic self sufficiency.

(This information furnished by Darrell L. Cornelius)


OCCUPATION: Quality Assurance Administrator

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Office Coordinator; Veterans Affairs Intern for Ron Wyden; United States Army

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Portland State University, Sociology, BS; Letter of Concentration in Community Development and Research; Portland Community College, AA


Community Involvement: Board of Directors, Homeowner’s Association

Fairview, A Great Place to Live
My family and I moved to Fairview a few years ago to settle down in a safer neighborhood with good schools and a strong sense of community. The rapid growth over the past ten years has put a strain on our community. While more growth is needed in order to ensure our future, I would like to see that it is done responsibly. Please add your voice to mine in order to make a positive difference in Fairview’s future:

Economic Sustainability
We need to encourage the growth of commercial development that will provide for the community’s needs and strengthen our tax-base diversity. With careful planning by strong leaders, Fairview will emerge as a viable destination for employment and recreation as well as a place to make a home.

Balanced Growth
We must give consideration to the impact of development on our greenspaces. The City Council has a responsibility to ensure that the benefits of development do not jeopardize the future of the community: health, economic, or otherwise.

Sense of Community
Citizen involvement in government can be improved. I will invite diverse representative groups to share their concerns, and share the dialogue and its results with the entire community. By giving every voice an equal opportunity to be heard, we can work toward building a better understanding.

I hope that you share these concerns, and ask that you vote Collier Ellis for Fairview City Council.

Collier Ellis is endorsed by the Oregon League of Conservation Voters.

(This information furnished by Collier Ellis)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023