May 15, 2001 - Chair of the Board of County Commissioners

JO ANN A. BOWMANOCCUPATION: Policy Analyst/Board Liaison, Multnomah County Chair’s Office (1993-present);...


OCCUPATION: Policy Analyst/Board Liaison, Multnomah County Chair’s Office (1993-present); Former State Representative (1997-2001)

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Director of Development and Marketing, Black United Fund; community volunteer

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Baltimore Community College, Maryland

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: State Representative, District 19; Social Security Administration; US Navy Petty Officer

Jo Ann Bowman gets results in State government:

  • Voted for largest state funding ever allocated to K-12 Education
  • Voted to provide property tax relief for low-income seniors

Jo Ann Bowman gets result in County government:

  • Developed citizen budget forums to allow citizens an early voice into the budget process
  • Instrumental in increasing minimum wage for workers through- out Multnomah County
  • Worked to provide health insurance coverage for Seniors & Children

Jo Ann Bowman gets results in local communities:

  • Served on Portland Public School Citizen Budget Review Board, ensuring better funding for public schools
  • Raised both voter registration and turnout in under-represented areas while increasing participation in Census 2000

Jo Ann Bowman brings our community together to find solutions!

Dear Fellow Voters,

After a decade of making a difference at local, state, and national levels, I’m ready to serve as your Multnomah County Chair.

As a senior aide to the outgoing County Chair, I solved problems, got answers on tough issues, and am equipped to improve County services.

As a legislator, I helped bring communities together around Oregon while building partnerships for the interests of Multnomah County. I understand the upcoming County budget challenges, and have the experience necessary to take action from the first day on the job. I ask for your vote on May 15th. Thank you!

Endorsed by: Senators Margaret Carter and Avel Louise Gordly; House Minority Leader Dan Gardner; Representatives Deborah Kafoury and Randy Leonard; Sharron Kelley; Tom Potter; Elizabeth Furse; Thalia Zepatos; Oregon NARAL; Portland New Party

Questions? Call me at 503-236-3889 or visit

(This information furnished by Citizens for Jo Ann Bowman)


OCCUPATION: Multnomah County Commissioner, June 1998-March 2001

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Director, Portland’s Office of Neighborhood Involvement; Executive Director, Oregon NARAL; Vice President, Paragon Cable.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: B.S. Political Science, certificate, Urban Studies, Portland State University; Washington High, Buckman Grade School.

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Assistant: Congressman Ron Wyden (Washington D.C.), Multnomah County Commissioner, Earl Blumenauer; Constituent Services: Mayor Neil Goldschmidt; Intern: State Representative Gretchen Kafoury.

COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: PTA: Sellwood, Cleveland; Domestic Violence Prevention Fund; Coalition for School Funding NOW; Sierra Club; City Club of Portland; Police Budget Advisory Committee; St. Phillip Neri Church.

Diane’s advocacy for education and children is impressive. As Chair she will be an even more effective voice for our kids. Sharon Kitzhaber, Oregon’s First Lady

Diane knows neighborhoods are the heart of our community. She will continue fighting to keep them strong and safe. Lolenzo Poe, Community Leader

Diane has a strong public safety record and is committed to making our community safer. Mike Schrunk, Multnomah County District Attorney

Diane understands county government provides the social safety net for many seniors, children and families. Diane will not forget this basic obligation. Jim Davis, Senior Citizen Advocate

Diane is an excellent and prudent manager. She’ll make a fiscally responsible and accountable Chair. Bill Bradbury, Oregon Secretary of State

Endorsed and Supported by: Congressman David Wu; Former Governor Barbara Roberts; County Commissioners, Lisa Naito, Lonnie Roberts; Mayors Chuck Becker/Gresham, Paul Thalhofer/Troutdale; Gussie McRobert; City Commissioners, Charlie Hales, Jim Francesconi; City Auditor, Gary Blackmer; Tanya Collier; Mike Lindberg; Cynthia Guyer; Fred Miller; Karla Wenzel; Metro Councilors, David Bragdon, Rex Burkholder, Rod Monroe; Oregon NARAL, Multnomah County Corrections Officers, Assoc. Exec. Board; AFSCME Local 88; Columbia Pacific Building Trades Council; Northwest Oregon Labor Council, AFL-CIO; Mike Houck, Urban Conservationist

Diane, a native Portlander lives with her husband Dick Springer, and their children, Josh and Tess in Sellwood.

(This information furnished by Friends of Diane Linn, 503-236-5417)


OCCUPATION: Tax Consultant

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Tax Consultant; Elected State Representative 2 terms; Union Boilermaker field construction: Small business owner 32 years; Military 22 years.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Graduate Studies at Portland State University; B.S., Business Administration, Linfield College; Benson High School.

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Former Mt. Hood Community College Board Member, Five years elected Multnomah Labor Council representing unions; Active citizen as a Tax Reform advocate; State Representative from House District 16 (Chairman of Sunset Review Committee, Member of Revenue and School Finance Committee, Member of Education Committee).

Experienced at representing constituents, not political machines or the hidden agenda of greedy corporations. Give Ron a call at 503-253-3284 to discuss your concerns. Ron values your opinion.

Ron Supports Small Business. As a small business owner, Ron understands the struggles of starting businesses. Ron strongly supports programs designed to help make these businesses succeed.

As a professional tax consultant and one who has evaluated state agency and school budgets, while on the State Revenue and School Finance Committees in the Oregon State Legislature; Ron is the most qualified candidate to deal with fiscal problems and budget issues facing local governments.

Committed to Quality Education, Ron McCarty strongly feels that education is an essential part of our society and feels that improvements can be made in our current educational system.

The one issue that is important to Ron is improving health care for working people who cannot afford insurance. Health-care costs must be lowered and coverage must be increased.

Call Ron at 253-3284 and meet with him to talk about your concerns. Together we can make a difference.


(This information furnished by Ron McCarty)


OCCUPATION: Businesswomen - Owner Rosewood Care, Inc.

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Businesswomen - Owner Rosewood Care, Inc.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: David Douglas High School Graduate 1964


Dianna Joyce Roberts is:

Committed…to repeal Multnomah County’s Home Rule Charter because we may all unknowingly be living in an area where we do not know the rules of the game. It is my solid conclusion that the HRC suspends the Constitution of Oregon as the supreme governing contract within Multnomah County. Obtain a copy FREE from Multnomah County Counsel’s office by calling 503/988-3138 and decide for yourself.

Committed…to preserve Section 27, Constitution of Oregon, “The people shall have the right to bear arms for the defence (sic) of themselves, and the State, but the Military shall be kept in strict subordination to the civil power [.]”

Committed…to hold ALL government public officials/employees accountable, i.e, paid, salaried, appointed or elected including all courts, prosecutors and judges.

Committed…to substantial compensation to landowners who have been displaced or whose property value has been deflated by actions and/or regulations of the government.

Committed…to treatment and rehabilitation of persons lawfully convicted of crimes against persons without inhumane and prohibitively costly prisons.

Committed…to repeal of regulation/laws not properly voted and enacted by the legislature and which did not pass the constitutional test before enactment.

(This information furnished by Friends for Election of Dianna Joyce Roberts, 464 NE 181st, #465 Portland, OR 97230. Ph: 503-970-6090)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023