Occupation: Director of Financial Aid, MHCC; 1997-present

Occupational Background: Financial Aid Coordinator, MHCC; 1979-1997; Academic Advisor, MHCC; 1977-1979

Educational Background: Post-baccalaureate work in counseling - PSU; BS in Psychology - PSU; BS in Science Education - OSU; AS - MHCC

Prior Governmental Experience: Nine years experience as School Board Director in the Centennial School District
I am running for re-election to the School Board of the Centennial School District, an office I have held for almost nine years. During this time, the State of Oregon has taken over the majority of the funding support for our children’s education and the district has grown by over 1000 students. We expanded the Centennial Middle School, now almost full with 950 students. The State has introduced legislation for the Certificates of Initial and Advanced Mastery, then modified those requirements and extended their implementation dates. The parents and district patrons passed a bond levy meant to build a new grade school and renovate the 40-year-old high school.

Change is happening all around us. I attended grade through high school in the Centennial School District before it was the Centennial School District. The neighborhood I grew up in hasn’t changed much in the past 40 years, but now we are crowding in on each other and our school district is required to respond to all of the State mandates, both funded and unfunded, to help all our children. These mandates overwork our most precious resource - our teachers and support staffs - while they try to introduce the future to our most precious treasure - our children.

School boards need help from parents and district patrons when facing these ongoing changes. We need to draw together when State resources don’t meet our needs. Your help on district and school committees is needed. After you vote for candidates, vote for your children by volunteering for the school district’s schools while they help create the future for our kids. I appreciate your continued support to help our kids.

(This information furnished by Rod Boettcher)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023