March 13, 2001 - Multnomah Education Service District - Director, Position 2, At-Large

March 13, 2001 - Multnomah Education Service District - Director, Position JOHN SWEENEY Occupation: Land Mangement Consultant


Occupation: Land Mangement Consultant

Occupational Background: Parks Supervisor - Portland Parks and Recreation; Captain - Oregon Army National Guard

Educational Background: Portland Community College; A/AS Mangement; Kubasaki American High School; Diploma, Benson Tech High School, Kellogg School; Diploma.

Prior Governmental Experience: Director, Board of Directors, Multnomah Education Service District.

The MULTNOMAH EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT, is a regional education service agency, that assists our local school districts in getting the most out of our tax dollars. This effort goes a long way to maximize the results of our money, in educating the students of the local school districts. Our Children, deserve the best education we can afford!

MONEY is SHORT: It should not be wasted!
Bilingual Education, it is a waste of money. California has proven that Bilingual Education is a waste of money. They did away with Bilingual Education, and the test scores of the students have gone up. Bilingual Education must end!

TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) Programs were designed for two years for each student. But many students were stuck in the TESL Programs for years. The TESL Programs must be cut back to its original plan or the TESL Program must end!


(This information furnished by John Sweeney)


Occupation: Publisher, Portland Remembered (Calendars); Owner, Running Outfitters/Un-Niketown

Occupational Background: President (retired) Dason International; Faculty, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Marquette University; Fund Raising Committee, Portland State

Educational Background: Portland State, Bach. Of Science, Graduate Study; MIT

Prior Governmental Experience: Precinct Committee Person; Director, MESD

You know that a good education will prepare your kids for a successful life. Jim says that a good education must include: Teachers who believe every student can succeed and a curriculum rooted in the basics but, having a broad menu of options and choices.


James Davis is the best qualified candidate in this race. He’s the real deal.

  • Foremost, Jim is a family man. He helped raise four foster kids along with his own. All attended PUBLIC SCHOOLS: Madison; Lincoln; Wilson. All are doing well.
  • Jim’s career began at the fabled Instructional Media Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. His innovative work in instructional communications was nominated for the Presidential Medal of Freedom - this nations highest civilian award.
  • Moving on to Marquette University Jim was student-ranked in the top 10% of professors there.
  • Jim has not sought out endorsements in this election. He will not compromise student/teacher needs with special interests desires.
  • Jim supports ACORN and minority leaderships educational demands that include that Schools Be Student/Teacher Based Not Bureaucratically Orientated and THAT SCHOOLS MEET THE NEEDS OF THE 75% WHO MUST JOIN THE WORKFORCE AFTER GRADUATION.


Recently, Jim spent 12 weeks at Cleveland High School. His findings are being developed into a WHITE PAPER for presentation to Senator Smith.

• Fully implemented, this work will significantly lower Oregon’s 40% dropout rate and raise the proportion of classroom funding.

• Jim will use his clout on the local, state, and federal levels to get more funding for our classrooms and work hard to give your kids more educational choices.


James Davis, teacher and education innovator or his major opponent, the parole officer.

(This information furnished by Parents & Teachers for Jim Davis)


Occupation: Polygraph Examiner (Intern)

Occupational Background: Retired Adult Parole & Probation Officer; Parole Hearings Officer; Former President Federation of Oregon Parole & Probation Officers.

Educational Background: University of West Los Angeles, School of Law, LLB - 1971

Prior Governmental Experience: Multnomah Education Service District Board Member since 1996; Grant High School Site Council, 1994 to 1998; Chair, Grant Cluster Advisory Committee, 1993 to 1994; Portland Metropolitan Area Local Government Boundary Commission, 1988 to 1998; Board member, Sullivan’s Gulch Neighborhood Association, 1997 to present; Board Member, Beaumont Wilshire Neighborhood Association, 1987 to 1997; Member, Multnomah County Citizen’s Involvement Committee, Dec. 1999 to present.

• SY KORNBRODT is married to Mary Lou, their sons, Joe and Chuck, both went to U. S. Grant High School. Sy Kornbrodt is a U. S. Navy Veteran.

• SY KORNBRODT will fight to maintain MESD programs such as Out Door School, Helensview and Alpha High Schools, School Nurses and all programs that work with disabled and problem kids in times of shrinking school budgets.

• SY KORNBRODT’S 39 years in the Criminal Justice System (20 in Oregon) has given him the tools to be able to assess programs for turning around kids in trouble with the law, while spending YOUR money efficiently.

• You know SY KORNBRODT can do the job because he is supported and endorsed by:

Jim Davis

Diane M. Linn

Phil Dreyer

Dick Levy

Lonnie Roberts

Randall Edwards

Jaime Partridge

George & Irene Starr

Linda F. Hunter

Hardy Myers

Beverly Stein

Sharron Kelley

Lisa Naito

Erik Sten

• SY KORNBRODT is supported and endorsed by these Organizations:
ACORN, AFSCME Council #75, Democratic Party of Multnomah County; East Side Democratic Club, National Association of Letter Carriers #82, NW Oregon Labor Council AFL-CIO, Portland Association of Teachers VIP, Portland New Party, Portland Rainbow Coalition.

• SY KORNBRODT wants to hear from YOU! Call him at 503-288-1737


(This information furnished by Sy Kornbrodt)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023