CAPTION: Multiple year local option tax for Riverdale Fire District

QUESTION: Shall Riverdale RFPD 11jT impose $.43 per $1,000 of assessed value for 5 years, for operating purposes, beginning 2004-2005. This measure may cause property taxes to increase more than three percent.

SUMMARY: This measure will authorize the Board of Directors to levy the taxes needed for the annual cost of emergency services provided to Riverdale residents. The District presently operates with the aid of a 5 year local option tax of $.43 per $1,000 of assessed value which expires with the 2003-2004 tax year. This measure would continue the present $.43 per $1,000 local option tax for 5 years beginning with the 2004-2005 tax year. The Board of Directors has determined that this tax is necessary to pay the contact cost for emergency fire and medical services.

The local option taxes to be raised in each of the 5 years are estimated to be: 2004-2005: $195,435; 2005-2006: $202,272; 2006-2007: $209,324; 2007-2008: $216,617; 2008-2009: $224,245. The estimated total tax raised over the 5 years is $1,047,943.

The Board of Directors intends to levy taxes each year only in an amount that meets the District's needs for emergency services.


This measure proposes adding a levy of $.43 (43 cents) per $1,000 of assessed valuation to the current $1.2361 bringing the total tax rate to $1.661 for the 5 year period. The Board of Directors is of the opinion that a rate of $1.661 per $1,000 will be necessary to provide emergency fire and medical services by contracting with an adjacent city or fire district. The District presently contracts with the City of Lake Oswego for these services. The permanent tax rate of $1.2361 per $1,000 established by Measure 50 was a substantial reduction of the previous tax rate and is insufficient to supply emergency services to the District.

Submitted by:
Board of Directors
Riverdale RFPD 11JT

No argument FOR or AGAINST this measure were filed.

Last reviewed January 12, 2023