CAPTION: Troutdale Parks and Greenways General Obligation Bond Authorization

QUESTION: Shall the City be authorized to contract a general obligation bonded indebtedness in an amount of not more than $3,430,000? If the bonds are approved, they will be payable from taxes on property or property ownership that are not subject to the limits of Section 11 and 11b of Article XI of the Oregon Constitution.

SUMMARY: The City seeks approval of a measure to finance capital construction and improvement projects related to parks, greenways, trails and a community center, including: acquisition and development of land for parks and open space; construction, acquisition and installation of equipment, furnishings or related improvements to new and existing parks and open space; remodeling of Sam Cox Building; development and upgrade of trails.

The bonds will mature over a period of not more than 11 years.


MEASURE 26-41, would authorize the City of Troutdale to issue General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $3,430,000 for improvements to Troutdale parks, trails, greenways and community centers. If the bonds are approved, they would be payable from taxes on property or property ownership that are not subject to the limits of Sections 11 and 11b of Article XI of the Oregon Constitution.

The Troutdale Parks Advisory Committee and the Troutdale City Council propose use of bond proceeds to make improvements to Troutdale parks, trails, greenways and community centers. If Measure 26-41 is approved, the bond proceeds would be used to finance the following projects:

  • Acquire land for future parks and open space; redevelop existing city property for parks and open space, including landscaping, construction of a covered picnic area, construction of a gazebo or grandstand, installation of picnic tables and benches, and related capital improvements.
  • Improvements to existing City parks, including the expansion of covered picnic areas; remodeling of restrooms and shelters; resurfacing basketball courts, paths and trails; creation of parking; enlargement of basketball an addition of wall ball areas; acquisition and installation of play structures and drinking fountains; and related capital improvements.
  • Remodeling of Sam Cox Building, including updating and remodeling of bathrooms and kitchens, renovations related to improving acoustics, and other capital improvements.
  • Development, extension and upgrades of trails located in various City parks and greenways.

The cost to issue the bonds and make the above improvements is about 3.4 million dollars. The estimated cost for the levy to pay the bonded indebtedness is .59 cents per $1,000 tax assessed value based on the information available for the 2003/2004 fiscal year. This levy would cost the owner of a home with a tax assessed value of $150,000 about $88.50 a year or $7.38 per month in additional property taxes. This levy would cost the owner of a home with a tax assessed value of $200,000 about $118.00 a year or $9.83 a month in additional property taxes. The bonds would mature in eleven years or less.
Submitted by

Submitted by:
Paul Thalhofer, Mayor
City of Troutdale

No arguments AGAINST this measure were filed.

Measure 26-41 | City of Troutdale



The new Parks and Greenways Bond measure, when passed, will assure Troutdale residents, now and in the future a continuing quality park system. The previous bond voters accepted in 1992 is almost all gone. This new Parks Bond will only cost $59 per year for a $100,000 assessed property. With our community exploding with growth, we have an urgent need to make improvements in our existing parks and also purchase land before it is gone. Quality recreational property is hard to find! An example is our own Columbia Park (ie: Imagination Station and ball fields) where the volunteers and youth groups helped plan and develop a winner. It saved thousands of taxpayer dollars and the kids got a great park. Don’t lose this opportunity because the land will be gone forever.

WE can improve our livability by investing in our Parks and Greenways Bond and securing recreational choices for all Troutdale citizens. Thanks for your support. Vote Yes!

Rally for Parks
A Grass-Roots PAC.

(This information furnished by Bruce Stannard, Rally for Parks, PAC)

The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorsement by Multnomah County, nor does the county warrant the accuracy or truth of any statements made in the argument.

Last reviewed January 12, 2023