November 5, 2002 - Measure No. 26-42

November 5, 2002 - Measure No. 26-42 CAPTION: Five-Year Operating Local Option Tax for Parkrose Schools

CAPTION: Five-Year Operating Local Option Tax for Parkrose Schools

QUESTION: Shall the Parkrose School District impose $.75 per $1,000 of assessed value for five years for operating purposes beginning 2003-04? This measure may cause property taxes to increase more than three percent.


The funds will be used to maintain and improve quality public education in the Parkrose School District by purchasing instructional materials, textbooks, reduce class size and support instructional programs. The rate is estimated to raise the following amounts: $1,977,910 in 2003-04; $2,037,246 in 2004-05; $2,098,364 in 2005-06; $2,161,314 in 2006-07 and $2,226,154 in 2007-08 for a total of $10,500,988.


Parkrose School District seeks voter approval for a local option levy to maintain and improve quality public education. Funds from the levy will support instructional programs, purchase textbooks and instructional materials, and reduce class size.

Voters are asked to approve a tax rate levy of $.75 per $1000. This rate averages $2 million per year, totaling approximately $10 million over the five-year period. Translated, a residential or commercial property owner with an assessed property value of $150,000 pays $112.50 per year to support the children attending Parkrose Schools.

Parkrose Schools have faced continuous financial challenges since 1990 and the passage of Ballot Measure 5. Revenues have flattened, but operating costs continued to increase. Staff, program, and instructional material cuts have been made at all levels.

The 1999 Oregon legislature enacted the local option levy as a way for school districts to improve school revenues subject to voter approval. The local option levy allows local voters the opportunity to take back some local control of school funding. Parkrose School District has a unique combination of residential, commercial and industrial property that could generate property taxes to support our local schools.

With the economic down turn and continued difficulties at the state level, Parkrose has had an extremely difficult time balancing our educational budget. Reductions in state funding sources have forced Parkrose to cut services and programs by over 10%. Last year class size increased, support services including library, counseling, instructional assistants and custodial services were reduced at all levels. Elementary swimming, summer school and foreign language instruction have been eliminated. Elective programs and some core and extra-curricular activities were cut at Parkrose Middle and High Schools. Staff has been reduced approximately 7% over the last ten years, while student enrollment increased by 11%.

Passage of this local option levy on November 5, 2002 will provide Parkrose School District an added level of stability and predictability to support our educational programs, schools, staff, and most importantly, our students. Programs that have been cut in the last several years or which may be cut or reduced this academic year due to continued reductions in state funding could be regained and maintained. If the Oregon legislature commits to stable school funding, this levy could be discontinued during the five-year period.

Submitted by:
Board of Directors
Parkrose School District No. 3
Rod Martin, Chair
Katie Larsell, Vice Chair
Sallie LaValley
Peg Billings
Maureen Crawford

No arguments AGAINST this measure were filed.

Measure 26-42 | Parkrose School District No. 3


The Parkrose Facility Association asks you to support Measure 26-42, the Parkrose Local Option Levy.

Since the passage of Ballot Measure 5 over ten years ago, Parkrose schools have suffered cuts every year. Classes have increased by at least 5-10 students. Middle school classrooms that could barely fit 30 students now have 40+ students. In an emergency, is this safe?

What has been cut? Here is a partial list.


Evening custodians
Technology center
1/2 PE
1/2 Music
Summer school

Middle School

Outdoor School
Technology support
1 counselor
Family Studies
Leadership class
1 PE teacher
Open computer lab
Shop class
Summer School

High School

1/4 of the staff
Most core electives
Many advanced classes
All shop classes
1/3 fine arts classes
2 1/2 counselors
1/3 Alternative School
Summer School
Credit recovery

Funding would:

  • Allow the district to hire more teachers, which could create elective classes at the middle and high school.
  • Lower class size across the district.
  • Provide funds to purchase adequate numbers of current textbooks.
  • Buy supplies. (Every year teachers spend more of their own dollars to buy materials for their classrooms, and every year class supply lists grow longer. This should not continue.)

The legislature has failed to establish adequate and stable funding for Education. We trust that residents of Parkrose will put the education of their children and their neighbor’s children first. Money levied would directly benefit the children of Parkrose.

Strong schools increase your property value. The monthly cost to an average homeowner would be equal to the cost of a take-and-bake pizza. For so little, children could gain so much.

PLEASE put the children of our district high on your priority list and VOTE YES for the Parkrose Option Levy on November 5th.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Timmel-President
Parkrose Faculty Association

(This information furnished by Linda Timmel, Parkrose Faculty Association)

The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorsement by Multnomah County, nor does the county warrant the accuracy or truth of any statements made in the argument.

Measure 26-42 | Parkrose School District No. 3


We are Parkrose School District parents, retirees, business people, and volunteers who believe that our children’s education is an important issue. We urge you to support Measure 26-42 – the Parkrose local option levy.

Watching and experiencing the cuts that Parkrose School District has had to make over the last ten years is alarming. We have more students and fewer teachers, services, programs, and instructional materials to offer. Not only is this a disservice to the children of Parkrose, but it is a disservice to the entire community.

We need to ensure that our children are given a quality education. We have great teachers. We have great school communities. We need to come together and vote yes on this levy to give Parkrose School District the opportunity to reduce huge class sizes, purchase appropriate textbooks and instructional materials, and reestablish core and enrichment educational programs that have been lost over the years.

Education is an important issue and it’s time to put our money where our mouth is. The levy is a small price to pay to bring back some local control to Parkrose school funding and, most importantly, to support the education of the children of our District.
Education is the key to success. Let’s help our children be as successful as possible.

We support Parkrose Schools and we urge you to join us.

John Brent
Karrie Caudle
Earle C DeKay
Guy Crawford
Robert (Bob) Dickey
John & Peggy Gamiles
Christy Hillman
Marsha Lee
Julie Lindsay
Julann Martin
Bob and Linda Oien

Deanne Paltridge
Diane Pow
Alesia Reese
Fred Sanchez
Theresa Schumacher
Michael Schillmoeller
Mel and Mary Ann Scott
Syndee Sommer
Londa Sundin
Cathy Weatherford

Parkrose Schools:
Prescott, Russell, Sacramento, and Shaver Elementary Schools; Parkrose Middle School and Parkrose High School and Parkrose students are counting on your support.

(This information furnished by Katie Larsell, Yes for Parkrose Schools)

The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorsement by Multnomah County, nor does the county warrant the accuracy or truth of any statements made in the argument.

Last reviewed January 12, 2023