OCCUPATION: Dentist; Artist
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Commercial Artist, Albertson's Management, Dentist for 32 years, and fine artist for last five years
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: University of Oregon Health Sciences Center, D.M.D., 1973; Portland State University, B.S., 1969
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Two terms (eight years) as a school board member of the Gresham-Barlow School District
My priorities as a school board member would be to continually improve the level of education in this district. I have been involved in the welfare of our schools and children since 1984. Having chaired and co-chaired the political action committee that was responsible for lifting the district out of the safety net and later building six new schools and remodeling or repairing numerous others, I can sincerely say that I believe the welfare of our children is essential to the preservation of our community.
During my tenure, we have built a new high school, Springwater Trail, to address the needs of some of our students who learn in a smaller environment; and, together with three other districts, we have built the Center for Advanced Learning. This charter school is at the cutting edge in technology, medical-dental, communications, and preparation for future careers for so many of our juniors and seniors.
We are now facing some difficult years ahead as we try to grapple with the economic decisions facing education in this state and ultimately in this district. The Multnomah County income tax will end next year. It was intended as a "temporary" solution to a budget crisis and should not be continued. It will, however, mean that the district will face cutbacks and must continue to explore other areas for funding. Crucial decisions will have to be made, and strong leadership will be necessary to make those decisions. I believe my track record and my voting record as a board member speak for themselves. I ask that you allow me to continue as a Gresham-Barlow School Board member for another term.
(This information furnished by Mike Hill)
OCCUPATION: UHAUL Customer Service Representative
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Purchasing Agent Rose City Café; Assistant Manager Adventure Sports Inc.
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: College Student Majoring in Political Science; High School Graduate; Eleven Years in GBSD
Our schools need strong, thoughtful and fresh leadership. I will work with other board members as well as the community to support
- Complete Funding Of Our Schools
- Lower Class Size
- Better Energy And Resource Management
- Recruiting And Retaining Talented Staff
- Greater Support For Head Start Programs
- Increased Access To School Leadership I will work with anyone interested in bettering our schools.
(This information furnished by Robert Miller)