OCCUPATION: Financial Controller for Oregon Armored Service, Inc.
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Network Services, Inc.; Floating Point Systems, Inc
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Masters of Business Administration – Portland State University; Bachelors of Science – Oregon State University
I grew up in Portland, attended Portland Public Schools, and graduated from Benson High School in 1968. I have been married for 30 years and have four children, all who have graduated or are still attending Portland Public Schools. I believe in and strongly support public school education. I am involved in the community as an active member of Temple Baptist Church and am currently serving on the Elder Council.
We need to strengthen our public school, first by increasing graduation requirements for high school. Second, we need to increase instructional time for students. We currently have too many teacher planning days, in-service days, late openings and early dismissals.
I believe that we do NOT need more taxes for schools. We need to do a better job with the resources we currently have. I am not in favor of extending the temporary Multnomah County income tax or the local school option levy. Our city will be more affordable and more desirable with lower taxes.
We need more financial responsibility managing the School District budget. We must reduce administration overhead and must control the double digit increases of employee benefits. We need to reduce class sizes in high schools by requiring teachers to teach more periods in a day. Waste needs to be cut in the school budget.
As a School board member I will increase the quality of education without increasing your taxes.
(This information furnished by Jim Christiansen)

OCCUPATION: Recycler. Since 2002 I’ve served as a sales and marketing professional for a leading, regional petroleum recycling corporation. This is a full-time, paid position. I also serve in an unpaid, volunteer position as representative for business on the Portland Harbor Superfund – Community Advisory Group
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: (2000-2001) I sold Telecom’ and High Speed Internet Services,. I’ve been involved in Sales & Marketing of Environmental Products & Services since moving to Oregon in 1988.
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: I was Catholic schooled until the middle of the third grade; I then attended public schools in Hawaii and Maryland, graduating from Andover High School in 1981. Credit Andover’s Mr. Jernigan, but my real interest in both history and my education, began, ironically, aboard the USS Hewitt in 1984, when I discovered the ship’s library and Shirer’s biography of Ghandi. I attended Clackamas Community College and PCC before transferring to Portland State University, where I earned my Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics in 1995.
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: United States Navy, 1982-1986; Payroll Clerk, Flight Deck Signalman, Pilot Rescue/Water Survival Specialist
I’m running for the Portland School Board because I believe my voice and my vote will add strength to the board. My wife, Christina, and I are proud to have our kids in Portland Public Schools. I’m committed to independently and responsibly representing parents as taxpaying customers of Portland Public Schools.
If elected to serve you on the School Board:
I’ll take action to increase the number of instructional days for students by re-scheduling or eliminating the “In-Service”, “Teacher Training/Planning”, “Report Card Preparation”, etc,. days, which disrupt learning and burden working parents with additional child-care expenses.
I’ll take action to pool the resources currently spread among the varied Health Care Plans for District employees and push for competitive bids from both insurers and pharmaceutical companies. Savings realized will be directed to increase days of instruction for our kids.
I’ll strongly support THE EXPIRATION of the Multnomah County Income Tax.
(This information furnished by Stephen M. Gunther)

OCCUPATION: Employment/Labor Law Attorney, Tonkon Torp, LLP.
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Employment/Labor Law Attorney; Professional Athlete, American Basketball League (ABL), Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA).
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Stanford University, BA; Duke University, JD.
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Member, Governor’s Employment Department Advisory Council.
VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: Board Member, Urban League of Portland, Stanford Athletic Department, Oregon Sports Authority; Student Representative for Racine, WI Unified School District.
Dear voter,
I am the product of a public school system that believed children are entitled to a quality education. As a result of excellent teachers and a supportive community, I received a scholarship to Stanford. I believe a quality education is a right, not a luxury.
I am committed to ensuring every child has the necessary foundation to succeed in life. Many things can wait; our children cannot. I ask for your support.
Sonja Henning
Sonja Henning: A Strong Leader for Portland’s Schools
Sonja will:
- support effective neighborhood schools and programs proven to increase student achievement;
- keep an eye on the financial bottom line, ensuring tax dollars support the classroom, not unnecessary administration;
- insist on performance measurements to gauge the effectiveness of the district’s central office;
- provide support for schools and students needing additional help.
“Sonja knows personally what can happen when public schools have high expectations for all children and then provide the quality education necessary to help children meet those expectations. Sonja is a proven leader.”
--Executive Director, Stand for Children, Jonah Edelman.
“Portland schools need Sonja’s skills and experience to improve student achievement, increase accountability and make sure our tax dollars are effectively spent in the classroom. Sonja will be a strong, effective Board member.”
--Julia Brim-Edwards, Portland School Board member
Stand for Children; For Our Children’s Future; State Treasurer Randall Edwards; Vanessa Gaston; J.S. May, School Leader, EVP Metropolitan Group; current and former Portland School Board members David Wynde, Stephen Griffith, Joseph Voboril; and many parents.
(This information furnished by Sonja Henning)
OCCUPATION: None - Retired
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: 1) 25 years experience managing more than $70 million in federal contracts. 2) 25 years experience working with Federal Job Corps program. 3) Two years as high school English teacher. 4) 7 years self employed – restaurant owner
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: University of So. Cal. – B.A. English; Eastern New Mexico Univ. – MS Education
I believe that the school board must once again represent the citizens of Portland. The board must cease being a lap-puppy for the administrative office and special interest groups. It is time for the Board to cease all pandering to both school superintendents and union presidents.
Accontability for all administrative staff is a must, and as a board member, I will work to ensure total accountability. Teachers must also be accontable for the success of their students. But, in order for them to be accountable, they must have the time to teach; that is why they’re hired and it’s what they do best.
As a Board member, I will work to ensure that the Board is accountable to the citizens of Portland, and that PPS staff from Superintendent on down, is accountable to the Board.
I will attempt to do this without closing schools, and without sacrificing the safety of our students.
(This information furnished by Cy Nisenfeld)