OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Licensed Deck Officer, U.S. Merchant Marine; Tire Distributor; U.S. Navy Submarine Service.
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Portland State University - Course in Oregon Government; Benson High School - 12th Grade; Nautical School on G.I. Bill - Licensed Deck Officer
Multnomah County has over 4,000 employees and a billion dollar budget. The Chair has the responsibility of balancing that budget. A difficult task in the best of times and nearly impossible in times like these. Resent tax increases will help but, as the recovery money dries up we could be in for another budget crisis. I am up to the challenge! I have spent most of my life as a supervisor or a manager in big and small business as well as government. I have been a employee of the City of Portland and the Corps of army Engineers.
Champaigns for local office has increased quite dramatically over the last decade. The former holder of this office left with an over $200.00 champaign deficit. I do not take money from Political Action Committees. I rely on individual contributions. Check out my website electwes2010.com for more information.
I was born in Portland and my family has lived here for over a hundred years. I have been active in local politics since high school. I am a third generation Union member. It would be a distinct honor and a great pleasure to serve the people of Multnomah County . Your vote is important!
(This information furnished by electwes2010.com)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.