OCCUPATION: Community Involvement Consultant
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Managed outreach efforts for communities and government agencies since 1991
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Fernwood Elementary; Central Catholic High School; Oberlin College, BA; LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas, MPA
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Piedmont Neighborhood Chair; Staff to Congressman Earl Blumenauer
Now more than ever it is time to ensure that our citizens are safe, healthy, and economically secure. I'm running for Multnomah County Commission to:
Create the economic climate to produce jobs
Lead the way in the burgeoning green economy
Take care of our neighbors who are having trouble
Whether it's health care, assistance for the elderly, or programs that help our children, knowing that our County services are strong and sustainable is even more important in uncertain economic times.
In order to achieve this vision, we need leaders who will achieve results, and I have a track record of accomplishments.
I worked with the North and Northeast Portland community for consensus on building Interstate Max. It wasn't easy, but we created family wage construction jobs, built a clean transportation system, and hired more minority firms than any public infrastructure project in Oregon history.
As Piedmont Neighborhood Chair, I fought to keep bus shelters in North Portland. I organized neighborhood foot patrols to rid our streets of gangs. I worked to create one of the best senior and community housing developments in the state.
I've been a project manager building Portland's homeless shelter and have served on boards that assist the mentally ill and the down and out.
With your support we can ensure Multnomah County is safe, healthy, and economically secure.
Partial List of Supporters
“Tom Markgraf has been an outstanding public servant for years. He will be an outstanding Multnomah County Commissioner.”
Congressman Earl Blumenauer
Kim and Angus Duncan
Anne and Dick Feeney
Erin and Mike Grahek
Pat DiPrima, owner DiPrima Dolci
Columbia Pacific Building Trades Tom Kelly, owner Neil Kelly Inc.
Walter Valenta
Pat LaCrosse
County Commissioner Judy Shiprack
Joe Galati
(This information furnished by Friends of Tom Markgraf)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.