OCCUPATION: Portland General Electric - Supervisor
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Extensive business experience – Vice President, cable television business and President, regional utility construction company. Started career in local government.
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: University of Connecticut , Masters Public Administration, Fairfield University BA-Economics
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Chairman, Lake Oswego Development Review Commission (since 2003); Member, South Shore Bridge Planning Committee; Member, Oregon Public Utility Commission Task Force Utility Joint Use Rules
Bill Tierney: Experienced, Engaged, Responsible
• Experienced
Bill has extensive government and private sector experience, a unique combination that will serve Lake Oswego well. He volunteers as chairman of the Development Review Commission, which reviews projects for compliance with City's land use and design regulations. Bill takes from his service on DRC a philosophy of doing your homework, listen to others and respecting their input and then making an informed decision.
In private sector Bill has met financial and operating goals and built large complex communication networks. Bill has skills to oversee the city's budget and costly infrastructure improvements. He has proven business savvy, an asset we need.
• Engaged
Bill has a vision for moving Lake Oswego forward with increased citizen input and thoughtful, well reasoned decisions. Put customer service thinking into city government. Continue dedication to sustainable actions while improving our economic vitality and promoting a business friendly attitude. Examine land use, telecommunications and building policies to reflect the changing realities of $4.00 a gallon gasoline. Bill is a past chairman of both the Christie School Board of Directors and Clackamas Community College Corporate Challenge.
• Responsible
Bill is committed to seeing that expenditures like the expansive Lake Oswego sewer project remain on budget, on time and it works. His decisions will always consider the cost and financial impact on the community while realizing most value for our assets.
“In addition to Bill's many management strengths, he is a proven relationship builder, listens thoughtfully and comes to well reasoned decisions. He will be a positive and productive member of city council.” Judie Hammerstad, Mayor
(This information furnished by Bill Tierney)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.