OCCUPATION: Work in the functioning of Radio Broadcasting with stations in Portland, Oregon. Actively receiving training for advancement of video production including digital and manual operations.
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Mount Hood Community College - Gresham, Oregon. Associate's of General Studies; Associate's of Applied Science in Radio Broadcasting. Numerous Certificates of Completion for Digital Production and Studio Producer through local community outlets. Pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology.
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Precinct Committee Person representative of Multnomah County. Executive and active member of the Multnomah County Republican Party. Intern at Dorchester Conference 2009; Taxpayer and Voter.
So many adolescents need more direct help in learning. Children should never be put on the backburner due to lack of financial resources, especially when that money is spent on other frivolous “priorities”.
I will focus on results and on the students served by Multnomah ESD. Priorities should be placed on results.
Money should then follow the best educational results.
Education is more than just money being spent; it is students and working families receiving the best education society can provide.
I am asking for your vote. I will be a valuable asset and a fresh perspective with enthusiasm for progress with the Multnomah Education Service District.
Please email me at with your questions or to talk, I look forward to speaking with you.
(This information furnished by Casey Kostman)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.