May 19, 2009 - Multnomah Education Service District - Position 6, At-Large - Mike Delman

MIKE DELMANOCCUPATION: Director of Public Affairs, Portland Habilitation Center (a non-profit that offers training and employment to the disabled)...


OCCUPATION: Director of Public Affairs, Portland Habilitation Center (a non-profit that offers training and employment to the disabled)

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Field representative for Seafarers International Union and AFSCME; Manager of Reliable Shoe, Inc.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: University of Washington, B.A.

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Chief of Staff to Commissioner Gary Hansen; Dir. Intergovernmental Relations, Multnomah County Sheriff; Strategic Planner, Multnomah County Aging Services

PERSONAL: Mike and his wife, Lori, have lived in SE Portland for 20 years. Daughters Claire and Jill have attended neighborhood public schools: Laurelhurst, Fernwood and Grant High school.

Mike serves on the Archimedes Movement Citizen Leadership Council (a non-profit dedicated to reforming health care), Multnomah County's Department of County Human Services citizen's budget advisory committee and the Portland Citizens Disability Advisory Committee.

“I have seen Mike's commitment to hard work, citizen involvement and the high ethical standards government needs. That record makes him right for the MESD.”

-Governor Barbara Roberts

Mike's Top Priorities

  • Enhance educational success and self-sufficiency by bringing Schools Uniting Neighborhoods (SUN) programs to more schools in our county.
  • Shift limited MESD resources to those in greatest need.
  • Health Care – MESD needs to continue to provide affordable and accessible health care to the county's students
  • Environmental Education – strongly supports Outdoor School which was a highlight of their middle school experience (Mike's daughters went to Arra Wanna and Sandy River and he went to Camp Canby Grove).
  • Decisions should be based on they impact the childrens school experience.

“Mike will make sure that Multnomah Education Service District helps those most in need and everyone has a voice in the process. He will make an outstanding Board member.”

-Annette Mattson, David Douglas School Board

Mike's supporters include Gov. Barbara Roberts
AFSCME Local 1995 MESD employees
Portland Association of Teachers (Teachers Voice in Politics)
Annette Mattson, David Douglas School Board
Multnomah County Commissioner Jeff Cogen
Chris Myers Stand for Children Mt. Tabor chapter leader
Mike Lindberg

Read more about Mike and his goals at

(This information furnished by Friends of Mike Delman)

The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.

Last reviewed January 12, 2023