OCCUPATION: US Bank, Branch Manager, Menlo Park Branch - Paid

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: US Bank, Branch Manager, Estacada Branch – Paid; Pacific Continental Bank, Relationship Banking Officer – Paid; Portal Oaks Office Park, General Manager – Paid; Nickerson Fleet Management Corporation, Vice President – Paid; Far West Federal Savings & Loan, Banker - Paid

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: University of Oregon, BS Degree in Communications; James Madison High School, Diploma; Gregory Height Elementary School, Diploma

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Incumbent – Served approximately 1 year, 3 months term for Reynolds School District #7 Position 6 Director.

This past year it has been a privilege to have been appointed and to serve on the Reynolds School Board. The students, teachers, staff and administration are exceptional people playing a vital role in our community. I am thankful for this tremendous opportunity to be part of this great school district and community as we continue on our course to becoming the best school district in the State of Oregon. During the past year we have made good progress and are poised for even more in the months and years to come.

In one year's time this board has:

Completed a successful Superintendent Search.
Dr. Henstrand has brought expertise, knowledge, positive action and
A much needed sense of calm

Negotiated Successfully three separate labor agreements
Prepared for ongoing negotiations this year as well

The Budget Process has been improved
The Budget is more transparent
Errors have been corrected and removed
Is fast becoming the precise tool it is meant to be

Going forward it is my sincere hope to be afforded the privilege and responsibility of serving my community by continuing on this board. My pledge to this community is:

To continue my commitment and valuation of Public education
A public education is highly valued!

To support students and school employees who face challenging situations every day.

To navigate the budgetary crisis with the students, community, teachers, staff and administration as my charges

To commit to make the necessary changes
We can not continue to do the same things and expect different results
As a lifelong resident of NE Portland and East County I am proud to be of service to this community. Thank you.


(This information furnished by Dane Nickerson)

The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.

Last reviewed January 12, 2023