Do you have a desire to learn, serve and provide valuable services to the community in which we live?
DCHS’ unpaid volunteer and internship programs offer exposure to the complexities, daily operational and service needs of the various programs and diversity of clients served. Entry level positions offer opportunities to develop or strengthen each person’s abilities in areas such as:
- customer service
- computers
- problem solving and gaining an understanding of customer needs and barriers
- developing insight into the opportunities and challenges of public service systems
Volunteer and internship opportunities are offered in the following areas:
Aging, Disability and Veterans Services Division
- Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA), Marcie Liesegang, SHIBA Coordinator, 503-988-8304
- Public Guardian/Conservator’s Program
- Adult Protective Services
- Long-term Care
- Multnomah Money Management Program
- Advisory Councils for elders and people with disabilities, which help to shape the programs and services being offered.
Developmental Disabilities Services Division
SUN (Schools Uniting Neighborhoods) Service System
DCHS Volunteer and Internship Application
Monalisa Diamond
Department of County Human Services
209 SW 4th Ave, STE 240,
Portland, Oregon 97204
Phone: 503.988.7483