
The Adopt-A-Road Program is an anti-litter campaign intended to build civic pride in a litter-free Oregon.

Adopt-A-Road Manual | About This Packet | Overview | Objective & Definition of Roles | Group Applicant Responsibilities | Safety Rules | Download Forms

The Multnomah County Land Use and Transportation Program (hereafter referred to as the “County”) Adopt-A-Road Program is an anti-litter campaign intended to build civic pride in a litter-free Oregon. It allows citizens to work in partnership with the County by "adopting" a section of roadway and agreeing to keep it clean. This program offers individuals an inexpensive way to contribute to their community and generate publicity for their efforts. Every participant in this program makes a positive impact on the appearance of the County road system and their community.

The participants volunteer to remove litter along an adopted section of roadway for a minimum of three years. The assigned sections will generally be up to three miles long, depending on the size of the volunteer group and the volume of anticipated litter. The participants will service the road segment a minimum of three times a year: Three miles - three times a year - for three years. The section of roadway may be of the volunteer’s choosing or one selected by the County. Safety of the participants is a primary concern in determining which section may be assigned. The limited number of designated roadways must meet the Adopt-A-Road Program’s criteria.

The County will erect two signs identifying the adopting individual or group, provide the necessary safety equipment and mandatory safety training, and provide litter bags and removal of the filled litter bags.

Almost anyone can participate in this program. The adopting party may be a club, a business, or a group of concerned citizens or an individual. There is no cost or fees to the participants. Participants must be at least 13 years of age and in good health.

Each group will designate a Primary and Secondary Group Coordinator who will act as a liaison between their group and the County. The Group Coordinator will be responsible for overseeing the group and administering the agreed upon rules to the individuals in the group.

The Adopt-A-Road Program will be administered by the Right-of-Way Permit Section. Applicants may apply for a permit at 1620 SE 190th Ave., Portland OR 97233 (Phone: 503-988-5050). Work schedules, distribution of County owned tools, refuse pickup, and project coordination will be accomplished by the Road Maintenance Section.

Last reviewed December 3, 2024