Group Applicant Responsibilities

Responsibilities for Adopt-A-Road Program group coordinators and participants.

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Group Coordinators

Each group shall be responsible for selecting a Primary Group Coordinator and a Secondary Group Coordinator. The Group Coordinator's responsibilities include assuring compliance by participants with all rules and guidelines as outlined in the Group Agreement of the Adopt-A-Road Program. They will also act as the liaison for the group with the County and sign the Adopt-A-Road agreement and Group Application form. The Group Coordinator must apply in writing to the Right-of-Way Permit Supervisor indicating what road, or section of road, the Group would like to “Adopt.”

Participant Responsibilities

Each participant will be required to comply with all laws, rules, and regulations as outlined in the Group Agreement and the Safety Rules. Individual participants may be excluded from participation or the permit may be canceled, at the discretion of the Right-of-Way Permit Supervisor or the Road Maintenance Coordinator for any violations of these sections.

Requests for Road Adoption

If more than one applicant requests the same section of roadway, the Right-of-Way Permit Supervisor may make the selection by the earliest date of application. If an applicant requests a section of road that has already been adopted, their name will be put on an eligibility list. The current group can renew their permit if it has provided an acceptable level of service. If not, the next group on the eligibility list will be considered for that section of road.

Litter Pick-up Requirements

Each group is required to pick up litter a minimum of three (3) times a year. This frequency may be modified (increased or decreased) by the County depending on the condition and appearance of the road section. Information on the number of pick-up times per year shall be included in the Approved Group Registration Form. Litter pick-up shall not be done in snow, ice, or in other adverse weather conditions. Cleanups shall not be scheduled on a legal holiday, during the afternoon on the day before a legal holiday, or on holiday weekends.

The Group must pick up litter one time in a satisfactory manner before their Adopt-A-Road Recognition signs are installed. During the course of the agreement, if the litter detail or clean-up activity is not satisfactorily accomplished, the Group Coordinator shall be notified. The clean-up must be successfully accomplished within one month or the permit may be canceled and recognition signs removed. Only the approved Group shall pick-up litter in a road section that has been adopted through the Adopt-A-Road program. No sub-contracting is allowed.

If landscaping maintenance is a planned work activity, the scope of work and specific requirements and limitations will be agreed upon by the Group Coordinator and the Road Maintenance Coordinator. These specific requirements will be identified in the permit.

Adult Supervision

Participation by or presence at the work site of individuals under 13 years of age is not permitted. There must be one adult for every five people between the ages of 13 and 18 on the work site. Participants under the age of 18 must have a signed Parental/Guardian Release Form. Parents or guardians must also sign the child’s Individual Participant Release Form.

County Furnished Supplies

Materials and work area signs furnished by the County will be obtained from and returned to the County during regular business hours. An applicant may furnish their own supplies or tools for their exclusive use. The Road Maintenance Coordinator will schedule the distribution and retrieval of County issued materials.

The County will provide the following:

  • Permanently installed Adopt-A-Road group recognition signs
  • Portable traffic warning signs
  • Reflective safety vests
  • Safety training including videos and guidelines
  • Litter bags with ties
  • Clean-up caddies (grabbers)
  • On-site review of adopted road section
  • Maintenance personnel and equipment to pick up filled litter bags
  • Disposal of collected litter

The Group will be responsible for the care of all County issued equipment.

Safety Training

Training materials (such as safety training video tapes) will be obtained from the Right-of-Way Permit Supervisor (503-988-5050). A safety training meeting may be conducted at the road district office with the Group Coordinator and the Transportation Safety Specialist. A safety training video may be viewed at this meeting and loaned to the group. The Group Coordinator will take the video to conduct safety training with their group. Safety training is required before becoming a participant within the Adopt-A-Road program. It is the responsibility of the Group Coordinator to provide additional safety training once a year and for each new participant before they work in the public road right-of-way. Additional questions can be addressed to the Adopt a Road Program Leaders: Jerry Griffin or Joreen Whitson at 503-988-3626.

The Group Coordinator must report to the Right-of-Way Permit Supervisor on the first business day following any injuries incurred by participants during clean-up activities. Notification shall include:

  • Name of injured person
  • Nature of injury
  • Date and time of injury
  • How the injury occurred
Last reviewed November 13, 2017