Director, Position 5, Zone 1

Photo of Denyse Peterson
Denyse Peterson

Occupation: Instructional Administrative Assistant

Occupational Background: Provide administrative support to dean, students, staff, and faculty; Responsible for faculty employment contracts

Educational Background: Portland State University, Business Law, Undergraduate; Multnomah University, Leadership & Ministry, Adult Degree Program

Prior Governmental Experience: Multnomah Education Service District Board, Working with Multnomah Education Service District to create policies that provide services and educational opportunities to Multnomah County and beyond; Oregon State Senate - 72nd & 73rd Legislature, Managed Legislative office for Senator Avel Gordly, Researched, analyzed, and resolved constituent issues, Mediating with agencies to bring resolutions to the challenges of affordable housing and employment; Metropolitan Exposition-Recreation Commission (MERC), Managed MERC Regional administrative office and organized public relations communication with Metro, Tri-county commission, ARAMARK, City of Portland, Oregon Convention Visitors Network and Portland Oregon Visitors Association, Coordinated all MERC Commission public, Labor and Employment Law meetings

Core Values and Mission are Transparency, Integrity, Community, and Public Service

I am a native Oregonian who has lived in Northeast Portland in a loving and culturally diverse community.

Advocating for Education
• Improve educational outcomes for better graduation rates
• Organized events that afford the youth to receive scholarships

Supporting Working Families
• Preserving family core values
• Supporting working families’ rights to quality childcare and health care

Community Outreach and Public Service
• Mentoring women to help them transform their lives
• Active volunteer with faith based ministry to clothe and feed the homeless
• Domestic violence advocate
• Housing and stability advocate

Thank you for your support

Vote for Denyse Peterson Multnomah Education Service District Board who will make a difference!

Bernie Foster
Jeff Grider, PCC Federation of Classified Employees
Kristin Cornuelle, Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe, MESD Board
Senator Avel Louise Gordly, Retired
Michael Sonnleitner, PCC Trustee (Zone 3)
Senator Michael Dembrow, Senate District 23
Mary Botkin, Mary Botkin & Associates
Debbie Stone, Psychology Instructor, PCC
Maggie Wright
Bishop Pollard
Dr. Jean E. Pollard
Bob Tackett

(This information furnished by Denyse Peterson.)

The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.
Last reviewed January 12, 2023