Director, Zone 5

Occupation: Performing Arts Instructor – Stevenson-Carson School District
Occupational Background: Dean of Students – Portland Public Schools; Music Instructor - Marylhurst University; Instrumental Music Instructor - Merced Community College; Profesor de Musica – Bogota, Colombia; Instrumental Music Coordinator – Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Instrumental Music Teacher – International School of Beijing, China
Educational Background: Lewis & Clark College, Education Specialist Degree – Education Administration; Howard University - Masters Degree; Fresno State University – Bachelors of Arts Degree; Fresno City College – Associate of Arts Degree; Center for Dialog and Resolution - Mediation Certificate
Prior Governmental Experience: Current MHCC Board Member
Community Involvement: Association of Community College Trustees - Diversity Committee; Board of Directors – Mt. Hood Jazz Festival; Board of Directors American Music Program; African American Association of Community College Trustees – Member
Proudly Standing with Kenney:
Shenia Fagan - State Senator Oregon
Diego Hernandez – State Representative Oregon
Carla C. Piluso – State Representative Oregon
Janelle Bynum – State Representative Oregon
Mario Palmero – Gresham City Councilman
Mt. Hood Community College Full-time Faculty Association
Sydney Scout - Oregon Working Families Party
Luz Reyna – East County Rising
Eddy Morales – City Councilor
I have been an educator for 30 years and I have served many years in a leadership role. Those roles required decisions that involved budgeting, marketing, performance schedules, equipment, personnel, curriculum, compliance with state requirements, safety, morale, parent communication, personnel and more... I am a product of community college and have taught at a community college.
As a Board member at Mt. Hood Community College I will continue to make decisions with an equity lens. I will always work to keep college affordable, academic, and I will continue to strive to make the college the cultural hub of the community.
Como parte de estar en la mesa de directores del colegio de comunidad Mt. Hood yo hare decisiones con un espejo de igualdad. Yo estoy consiente de diferentes culturas, yo vive en el sur de América y en Asia. Yo e viajado a mas de 50 paises.
(This information furnished by Kenney Polson.)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.