Director, Zone 3

Occupation: PCC Board of Directors (2015-now); Retired PCC Instructor (1988-2015).
Occupational Background: Educator.
Educational Background: U. of MN Ph.D., Political Science; Whitman College B.A.; FULBRIGHT SCHOLAR.
Prior Governmental Experience: Co-Chair, PCC Board Committee on Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion; Vice-Chair, PCC Board Audit Committee; PCC EAC (Educational Advisory Committee): 14 years; EAC Textbook Cost Task Force Co-Chair; PCC Small Business Development Center Advisory Council.
RE-ELECT the 1st PCC Teacher to be a PCC TRUSTEE
Martin Luther King Jr.: “A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.” (https://consortiumnews.com/2017/04/04/...mlks-warning-of-americas-spiritual-death-3/4/3/1967). King’s nonviolence inspires me to focus upon education to achieve social uplift. With tuition too high due to inadequate state funding, my lengthy PCC experience can help provide creative textbook & other cost-savings.
My efforts helped PCC establish a Student Trustee position, adopt a Sanctuary Policy, maintain good Labor Relations, and foster a culture of Collaboration distinct from corporate views of education as mainly a business.
Looking Forward: Encourage me to better listen to and learn from you. – Michael Sonnleitner
“Having experienced Dr. Sonnleitner as a PCC professor, human rights & community activist, and PCC Trustee, I know Michael to be an extremely positive force for change.” -- Rossella DeLeon, Executive Director, Foundation for Philippine Progress.
NW Oregon Labor Council
PCC Federation of Classified Employees
PCC Federation of Faculty & Academic Professionals
Jo Ann Hardesty, Portland City Commissioner
E.D. Mondaine, Portland NAACP President
Reyna Lopez, PCUN Executive Director
Erick Flores, Parkrose School Board
(COMMUNITY ACTIVISTS): Joe Walsh, Jaime Partridge, Sarah Grider, Maria Garcia, Julia DeGraw, Greg Burrill
(OR SENATORS): Michael Dembrow, Lew Frederick, Rob Wagner;
(REPRESENTATIVES): Teresa Alonzo-Leon, Janelle Bynum, Chris Gorsek, Diego Hernandez, Alissa Keny-Guyer, Rob Nosse, Jeff Reardon, Tawna Sanchez, Barbara Smith-Warner
Oregon Working Families Party
Pacific Green Party of Oregon
Oregon Progressive Party
Eastside Democratic Club
(This information furnished by Michael Sonnleitner.)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.Director, Zone 3

Occupation: Business Development Director helping colleges build affordability and accessibility strategies that lead to enhanced student outcomes, retention and graduation rates.
Occupational Background: College President, Fox College (2-year school); Consultant working with college leadership to adopt innovative enrollment and retention solutions; Working with colleges to adopt Predictive Analytics to drive student success and retention.
Educational Background: Pepperdine University, MA Psychology; Indiana University BA Chemistry & Psychology
Prior Governmental Experience: None.
Portland is rapidly evolving, and PCC must stay ahead of the curve!!
I have worked with all levels and departments within higher ed, from student services to admissions to the executive office. Over the last 18 years, I have been driving higher ed innovation. Education and technology is advancing at an incredible rate. Portland continues to change and evolve at a rapid rate. PCC needs to remain one step ahead in order to serve its students and community.
PCC needs a leader who is immersed in advancements in education and has the background and experience to identify key innovations to drive enrollment and student success.
I bring a depth of background and experience spanning across many different types of colleges across the U.S. PCC is focused on being a leader in building a culture where students, faculty and administrators thrive. I have a proven track record of helping community colleges do exactly that!
Jason’s Unique Higher Ed Experience
- As a college president of a 2-year institution, I was able to increase enrollment, course completion and graduation rates while improving operational efficiencies.
- Co-developed an Academic Coaching Methodology that significantly improved course completion, retention and graduation rates.
- Helped colleges increase retention through building new, innovative Student Service Models.
- Consulted with colleges to adopt Predictive Analytics that allowed faculty and student support specialist to engage with students at a deeper level and increase retention.
- Expertise in building Affordability and Accessibility Models.
Thank you for your vote!
(This information furnished by Jason H Young.)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.