Director, Position 5

Occupation: Department of Veterans Affairs, Mental Health Division, Peer Support Services
Occupational Background: Mental Health Practitioner with a focus on Substance Abuse Treatment, Veterans Hospital; Skills Trainer, Luke-Dorf; United States Air Force Veteran, Civil Engineering Division
Educational Background: Southern Oregon University, BS, Psychology; Portland Community College, Continuing Education; College of the Siskiyous, AA, General Studies; Electrical Systems Specialist, USAF Technical School
Prior Governmental Experience: United States Air Force (1995-1999). Federal Civil Servant (2011-Present). OHA Peer Delivered Services Core Team Member (2018-Present)
“I'm confident that Aaron has the skills, determination and integrity to be an engaged board member.” – Christine Larsen, David Douglas School Board Member, Pos. 3
“I know that our district will be in good hands with Aaron on the board. He is a dedicated parent, committed to excellence, with the heart of a public servant.” – Sumitra Chhetri, David Douglas alumni and Community Organizer, IRCO
Personal Statement
I am a proud parent of two boys. I am deeply committed to seeing that my children, and all of the children in our district, receive the very best education that Oregon has to offer.
My background makes me well-suited to advocate for children facing unique learning and life challenges. As a veteran and civil servant, I have experience accomplishing my goals to better our community.
I ask for your vote and your partnership to create the best possible learning experiences for our students.
Proudly Endorsing Aaron:
NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon PAC
Annette Mattson, MHCC Board Member, Zone 4
Ana del Rocío, former David Douglas School Board Member, Pos. 1
Kenney Polson, Educator and MHCC Board Member, Zone 5
Heather Franklin, David Douglas Parent and Community Activist
Andrew Speer, MHCC Board Candidate and Marine Veteran
Katrina Doughty, Maternal and Child Coordinator, 211info
Pamela Martel, Proud Elementary School Parent
Visit: https://www.facebook.com/aaron.barrow.3998
(This information furnished by Aaron Barrow.)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.Director, Position 5

Occupation: Trial Attorney
Occupational Background: Preg O’Donnell & Gillett, 2017-present; Nichols Law Group, 2013-2016; Law Clerk, Judge Thomas Coffin, United States District Court, Oregon, 2012-2013; Attorney (Intellectual Property Litigation), ComputerLaw Group, LLP, 2011-2012; Law Extern, Justice Joyce Kennard, The Supreme Court of California, 2010; Education Program Consultant, Middle East Policy Council, 2008; Economic Education Specialist, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 2006-2008; Paralegal, Harrison Sheppard, Law & Conflict Resolution, 2005-2006.
Educational Background: University of California, Hastings College of the Law, Juris Doctor, Law; Williams College, Bachelor of Arts, Economics and Studio Art and Developmental Economics Concentration; American University of Beirut, Semester Abroad.
Prior Governmental Experience: Secretary (2018–present), Boardmember (2014–present), Johnson Creek Watershed Council, elected; Chair/Co-Chair (2018–present), Boardmember (2016–present), Powellhurst-Gilbert Neighborhood Association, elected; Economic Education Specialist (2006-2008), Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
Community Endorsements:
Syrian Lebanese American Club
Stand For Children
Student Engagement and Graduation:
After-school and summer programs, Career Technical Education (“CTE”), and access to academic advisors have been drivers in obtaining higher-than-average graduation rates here in Oregon. CTE participants and concentrators have overall graduation rates nearly ten percentage points higher than the overall District graduation rate. Opportunities in these areas will help our students develop meaningful connections to keep them engaged through graduation.
Community Partnerships:
We must strengthen our partnerships in the community. Building these relationships helps us to “expand the pie” by providing additional resources to support and grow our educational programs and to develop and analyze data to become more effective in achieving our benchmarks.
Early Childhood Development:
Our education begins when we are born. That is why early childhood development and education through programs like the Early Works Initiative at Earl Boyles are so important to our children’s education foundation, setting them up for a vigorous experience as they enter kindergarten and elementary school. These programs also strengthen our interconnectedness as a community by bringing families with an array of cultural backgrounds together.
(This information furnished by Crawley for Oregon.)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.