Director, Position 3

Occupation: Stay at home Parent
Occupational Background: Branch Manager for local Construction Co.
Educational Background: Reynold High; Portland Community College, various
Prior Governmental Experience: NA
I am seeking your support to serve as a member on the Parkrose School Board. I am the proud father of a student at Prescott Elementary who has Special Needs. It is my goal to be an active member of the School District in which we live, to aid in paving the future for my child’s success as well as others and to help shape policy and constantly support new strategies to address current and future challenges.
My Work Experiences and Life Experiences provide me with assets in serving as a productive Parkrose Board member: -
- I have assisted in the development and presentation of various training programs.
- I have worked on forecasting annual budgets.
- I have prepared bid estimates for Federal and State improvement projects.
- I have operational management regarding resources and personnel requirements.
- I have facilitated in establishing two startup companies.
- I have experienced living in a single parent home growing up and understand the possible impact in can have on a student.
- I have made the choice with my wife’s total support to stay home and be the one involved with the educational needs of our son. We both are there for the needs of our son.
My belief is that each of our students is totally unique, how we plan for their success is done in a respectful partnership between the District and parents. I believe in open lines of communication working together to overcome any challenges. Parkrose sets high standards and expects all staff members to meet those standards I support that.
We have a Great District and I want to fight for the resources to make it better!
(This information furnished by Christopher Sellon.)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.Director, Position 3

Occupation: Director of Eastside Kids
Occupational Background: 8+ years directing children's programming: directing volunteers, writing curriculum for and coordinating social justice-driven programs and educative experiences; 20+ years advocating for kids while in leadership roles, 6+ years as a stay-at-home parent
Educational Background: TTU, BS
Prior Governmental Experience: None
Advocating for All with Integrity
I believe in the intrinsic value of every child and that each child is excellent at something.
I believe when a student feels seen, grounded, and valued, they will strive to be their best.
Parkrose students deserve a board member who lives their life with integrity, passion, and empathy. I am that person. I will help our board continue to plan for the future of Parkrose by utilizing diversity as a key strength, demonstrating respect for all, and problem-solving to close the funding gap.
As a parent of four children, I have always felt that I have to demonstrate for my kids the values I want them to grow into. That means making time to do the important things.
I have:
- Been involved in the Prescott PTO supporting our school;
- Formulated a campaign to support Parkrose basketball combating racism from opponents;
- Worked with the director of the Prescott SUN program to begin building a family leadership council that would address gaps in how marginalized families are able to invest in our school.
My priorities will be:
- Ensuring all kids are known and safe on our school campuses;
- Advocating for access to resources and activities that our kids need to be successful;
- Supporting programs that meet community needs so we can all grow together;
- Supporting teachers by empowering their contributions to students daily; and
- Speaking for inclusion, so that all voices in our diverse district are considered.
The success of the future depends on the holistic education we provide for our children now!
Honored to be endorsed by:
Donna Barber, Executive Director of Champions Academy, Co-Founder of The Voices Project
Eric Knox, Executive Director for Holla Mentors
(This information furnished by Ashley Brassea.)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.Director, Position 3

Occupation: Produce Journeyman, Winco Foods
Occupational Background: Washington County-Long Range Planning Department; Port of Portland-Aviation Planning and Development
Educational Background: Portland State University, Political Science/Urban planning, Bachelors of Science
Prior Governmental Experience: Parkrose School District, Director Position 3: 07/01/2015-Present
Thank you for electing me to the Parkrose School Board. It is an honor to serve you. Our Parkrose community is home to many diverse cultures with the common need for exceptional schools.
Here is what I have accomplished on the Board:
- Advocated for after school child care needs and worked to ensure more choices are offered
- Provided oversight for the remaining capital bond project dollars seeing they were spent as directed by the voters
- Advocated for Music program dollars to repair and replace instruments
- Worked to influence the highest and best use of tax dollars to achieve the best results
- Advocation for Parkrose students with local and state officials
I plan to work on:
- PE for all students
- Celebrations that honor Parkrose diversity
- Improved collaboration with Parents, Students, and Community Members
Parkrose has seen improvements in academic measures at all of our schools. We have embraced K12 technology based curriculum. Our scores are improving and our graduation rates are better than the Oregon average. Unfortunately, we continue to be challenged by the State's inconsistent and insufficient funding.
The legislature is currently in session. I encourage my fellow neighbors to reach out to their state representative, senator and Governor Brown and ask them to:
Support fully funding education to meet the current Quality Education Model
- Create a reliable permanent funding source to support education
- Invest more dollars for early learning education
- Let's work together advocating for academically successful schools for all our children.
I appreciate your vote!
Endorsed by Stand for Children Oregon
(This information furnished by Dave Carter.)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.