Director, Zone 1

Occupation: Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Metro
Occupational Background: Budget Director and Financial Planning Manager, City of Portland; Health Policy Analyst, White House Office of Management and Budget
Educational Background: Bachelor’s in Political Science and Economics, Drew University; Master’s in Public Policy, Georgetown University
Prior Governmental Experience: 20+ years of federal and local government experience
I’m Andrew Scott. Here’s why I’m running for School Board.
As a product of Portland public schools and now a PPS parent, I know the value of great teachers, stable funding, and a community that supports its schools. But not every child has access to these crucial resources. Like many of you, I’ve been frustrated with the condition of our schools, the broken relationship between the administration and our kids’ teachers, and the fact that our schools produce such widely disparate outcomes.
I will bring the right mix of leadership and technical experience to the PPS board. I’ve spent my career in public service, focused on making local government work better for Portlanders.
Advocating for Student Achievement and Equity:
“I am excited to endorse Andrew for the PPS board. He will work with the community to increase academic achievement for all students and bring a renewed focus on equity and inclusion. Please join me in voting for Andrew.” Governor Barbara Roberts
Building Accountability and Trust:
“Andrew will bring the right skills and experience at the right time. His focus on students, transparency, and accountability will help strengthen the public’s trust in PPS and better serve students.” Julia Brim-Edwards
Pushing for Fiscal Responsibility:
“As the steward of our public dollars, Scott was a consummate professional through the city's particularly unwieldy budget process. He was the level-head through the topsy-turvy horse-trading exercise that can quickly turn political.” The Oregonian, 6/12/18
Governor Barbara Roberts
For Our Children’s Future
Stand For Children
Julia Brim-Edwards, PPS Board Member
Phil Keisling, former Oregon Secretary of State
Lynn Peterson, Metro Council President
Amanda Fritz, Commissioner
Nick Fish, Commissioner