Director, Zone 3

Occupation: Intel(R) Product Dealer (Systems Integrator/VAR)
Occupational Background: U.S .Submarine Veteran; Tire Distributor; U.S. Merchant Marine Licensed Deck Officer (Ret.).
Educational Background: Chapman Grade School, Diploma; Benson High School, Architectural Drawing, Diploma; Portland State University, Oregon State Government; Kidall's Nautical School, Licensed Deck Officer, Licensed Deck Officer
Prior Governmental Experience: None
My family has lived in the Portland Area for more than 100 years. I attended Benson High School as did my brother. Our father worked for the District for over 30 years. He died from exposure to asbestos.
As taxpayers we are legally and morally obligated to provide a safe learning environment. A capitol improvement program that is underway will help. With 78 schools it is an endless task.
We must fund our schools adequately. Our core curriculum must be our number one priority.
Career Technical Education (CTE) has been in the Portland Public Schools for more than 100 years, its called Benson.
(This information furnished by Elect Wes Soderback.)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.Director, Zone 3

Occupation: Education Advocate/Volunteer
Occupational Background: Teacher: Osceola County Public Schools FL; Polk County Public Schools FL; The Island School FL; Monroe County Community School Corporation IN; Punahou HI; Key Learning Community (IPS); Indiana School for the Deaf; Faculty: School of Education, Indiana University-Purdue University (IUPUI); Other: Disney, Indianapolis Zoo; Kumon; Agency for Instructional Technology; Center for Innovative Assessment IU; Job Corps; Stay-at-home mom; Library Services (IPS)
Educational Background: Indiana University: Education Admin, MS, BS; T.C.Howe High School
Prior Governmental Experience: Precinct Committee Person
Community Leadership: Board member: Parents Across America; PAA Oregon; Portland Parent Union; Great Schools for America; Tutor Coordinator, OASIS
Moved to Portland 10 years ago – two sons live here. I bring instructional leadership experience and a fresh perspective to the PPS board.
Kids Over Corporations! Every child deserves a great education!
Deb Mayer:
Actively advocates for fully-funded schools
Co-wrote three wireless safety bills – SB 281, 282, 283 – introduced by Senator Monnes Anderson – 2019 legislature
Member, Children’s Screen Time Action Network
Opposes SBAC, Kindergarten Assessment; Supports Opt-Out
“Featured in the Washington Post by Deb Mayer ‘Here’s a suggestion for Bill and other philanthropists who want to reform our public schools: FEED THE CHILDREN. Concentrating on this one thing would cause test scores to soar.’” (02/04/2014)
Presented – Northwest Teaching for Social Justice Conference: EdTech: The Future of Education? (2016)
Presented – Network for Public Education Conference: The Impact of Poverty, Race, and Cultural Bias on Educational Opportunity (2015 - 2017); Remembering Key – Innovations from the Past (2018)
Rejects the notions that $190 million “disappeared” from the PPS bond budget
Blogs at Parents Across America Oregon
Steve Norton, Sheila and Ronnie Warren, Portland Parent Union, Jan Eck, AGAHST (Angry Grandparents Against High Stakes Testing); Dora Taylor, Editor Seattle Education; Pat Eck, VP Oregon Retired Educators Association; David Morrison, Wireless Education Action; Cindy O’Mealy, Teachers Brigade; Tricia Snyder, member Oregon Association of School Librarians; Denyse Peterson
(This information furnished by Deb Mayer.)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.Director, Zone 3

Occupation: Community Leader/Volunteer/Parent
Occupational Background: Community Relations, Mercy Corps; Capital Projects, Tri-Met
Educational Background: B.A., Macalester College; PPS K-12
Prior Governmental Experience: Elected Portland Public Schools Board
Community Experience: Parent volunteer; Board service for Portland Schools Foundation/All Hands Raised, Open School, Planned Parenthood Columbia-Willamette, Mercy Corps NW, and Literary Arts
Shaping the Transformation of Portland Public Schools
Serving on the PPS Board and advocating for students and families across the District has been a great honor. We are beginning to see the seeds of transformation - addressing our academic achievement gaps, affecting improvement in our chronically underperforming schools, better supporting our teachers, and providing social / emotional supports for all of our students. Effective governance and setting a strategic direction for PPS is critically important, and I’d like to continue to help lead this work.
Amy is endorsed by:
Portland Association of Teachers PAC
Stand for Children Oregon
For Our Children’s Future
Governor Barbara Roberts
Portland Public School Board Student Representative Nick Paesler
“Amy always has student voices and opinions in mind. She consistently is working to include more PPS students in our meetings and decisions.”
Multnomah County Commissioner Susheela Jayapal
"Amy is the partner Multnomah County needs on the Portland school board. She understands the needs of kids and families, and particularly understands that those kids who have not been well-served by our system need the supports that allow them to succeed.”
PCC Board Chair Kali Thorne Ladd
"Amy values providing supportive learning environments for all students. She understands we must be intentional in how we better nurture students from historically underserved communities."
Roger Kirchner, Former Director Oregon PTA Region 2
“Amy is a leader who listens and works to achieve consensus to advance equitable educational opportunities for all students.”
(This information furnished by Friends of Amy Kohnstamm.)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.