Director, Position 6

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Dane Nickerson

Occupation: Vice President, Customer Service Manager for Northwest Bank

Occupational Background: Worked in East Portland for 30+ years as a business owner and as a banker for US Bank.

Educational Background: Portland Public Schools at Gregory Heights Elementary and James Madison High School; BA from the University of Oregon

Prior Governmental Experience: Nine plus years on the Reynolds Board of Education in position 6. Appointed for two years, elected for two consecutive four year terms, seeking a third term.

A proud resident of East Portland, the Reynolds District, and a strong supporter of public education. Father of four daughters three of which graduated from Reynolds High School. It has been my privilege to work with some strong boards, teachers, staff, administrators, along with some very strong board members. The current board is committed to an equitable, strongly academic focused, fiscally responsible, district. Together we have worked through some difficult times; but our work is not yet done. I am committed to making a public education an exemplary education.

(This information furnished by Dane Nickerson.)

The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.

Director, Position 6

Photo of Ana Gonzalez Muñoz
Ana Gonzalez Muñoz

Occupation: Associate Director for Family and Community Engagement, Latino Network

Occupational Background: Adjunct Instructor, Chemeketa Community College; E.S.L. Teacher, Central School District; Admissions Counselor for Multicultural Student Recruitment, Western Oregon University; Youth Advocate for Farmworker Youth Opportunity Program, Oregon Human Development Corporation; Migrant Education, Salem Keizer School District

Educational Background: Master of Science in Education, Western Oregon University

Prior Governmental Experience: NA

Community Involvement: East County Collective Committee, Rock the Block Planning Committee, Port of Portland Community Advisory Committee, Resolutions Northwest Restorative Justice Collaborative, TriMET Transit Equity Advisory Committee, Metro Public Engagement Review Committee, Metro Transportation Bond Committee, Broadway Corridor Steering Committee, Portlanders United Against Hate Coalition, Portland’5 Advisory Committee, Multnomah County Health Department Multicultural Action Committee

Leadership Development: UNID@S for Oregon Cohort V, East County Rising, Coalition of Communities of Color, and Color PAC

Ana: Fighting for our students and families’ rights for equity and inclusiveness in education

Ana has over twenty years of experience working in education serving underrepresented students and families. She has served and taught students from Head Start, high school in programs for English Language Learners and teen parents; adulthood students in ESL, and GED programs. Ana has demonstrated strong leadership that includes initiative, passion, and resilience, characteristics needed to move Reynolds School District in the right direction. Ana will lead the change so ALL students can receive the best education they deserve. Ana’s priorities are:

  • Ensuring that all students and parents have a voice
  • Advocate for the School Based Health Center and for healthcare services, such as, mental health, counseling, and healthy sexuality
  • Dismantle the disproportionalities in academic placement
  • Revised the disciplinary policy
  • Support classified and licensed school staff, so they can have the right tools to succeed

Proudly Standing With Ana:
State Representative and Reynolds School Board Member Diego Hernandez
State Representative Carla C. Piluso
State Representative Janelle Bynum
Councilor Mario Palmero
Councilor Eddy Morales
Executive Director Carmen Rubio
Dr. Mayra Gómez
Sumitra Chhetri
Kenny Polson
Oregon Working Families Party
Stand for Children Oregon
NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon PAC

(This information furnished by Ana Gonzalez Muñoz.)

The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.
Last reviewed January 12, 2023