Director, Position 5

Occupation: Business owner and EMS consultant.
Occupational Background: Paramedic with 20 years of experience; Former Chief Operating Officer, Chief Customer Officer, and flight paramedic for Life Flight Network (the largest not for profit air ambulance service in the United States). Responsibility included numerous direct reports and departments with 20+ locations spread across multiple states; Ground paramedic in urban and rural EMS systems; Volunteer firefighter; Assistant professor at the Oregon Health & Science University / Oregon Institute of Technology Paramedic Education Program; Subject matter expert and consultant on several emergency medical services projects.
Educational Background: Labor Relations, Human Resource Management, MPA, Portland State University; Business Management, Human Resource Management, BS, Portland State University; Paramedic, AAS, Oregon Health & Science University; Graduate of several courses at the National Fire Academy and Emergency Management Institute.
Prior Governmental Experience: EMS related consultant and contract work with the Oregon Department of Education and Oregon Health Authority.
As a paramedic with extensive patient care and managerial experience, a former chief level officer with considerable oversight, a business owner, and a resident in TVF&R’s district, I would like to give back to the community and organization by serving on the Board of Directors.
TVF&R plays a vital role preventing loss of life and property through prevention, preparedness, and effective emergency response. Hundreds of thousands of citizens trust they will receive timely and quality service should they encounter an emergency. In many instances, their lives may depend upon it. If elected, I will utilize my unique experience and education to ensure the district meets the needs of the entire community and fulfills its mission, all while being fiscally responsible with tax dollars received.
TVF&R is well known as an industry leader on numerous fronts. There are countless stories each year of lives saved because of TVF&R. I would like to serve the citizens of the district by helping preserve the quality and effectiveness of our local emergency response system.
(This information furnished by Justin Dillingham.)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.
Director, Position 5

Occupation: Owner of Brian Clopton Excavating
Occupational Background: Owner/operator of an excavation and construction company for more than 30 years.
Educational Background: NA
Prior Governmental Experience: Board Member, Board of Directors for Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue (1998-present)
Committed to our community. For more than two decades, I've championed smart financial management, excellent customer service, and high-quality emergency services.
As a life-long resident or property owner in the fire district, I've seen significant growth and have helped establish policy to plan for today and the future. I've supported our culture of cooperation with partners so that decisions about infrastructure and operations aren't made in a vacuum.
As a private business owner, I feel conservative fiscal management is a key priority. I've had to make tough decisions to keep my business afloat during recessions, and I understand that many of our residents are on fixed incomes. I apply that experience and insight to governing TVF &R.
Working with the fire chief and staff, our Board has provided guidance to ensure all our fire station and facility construction projects are diligently planned and completed. We also ensure that TVF&R's Strategic Plan reflects goals to ensure fast and professional response to medical, fire and rescue incidents. Our Board also recently completed an exhaustive process to select our next fire chief who will serve after Chief Duyck retires on June 30, 2019.
I understand our firefighters. During my tenure, I've taken the time to get to know our firefighters and understand their work. I've earned their respect through a shared commitment to service, stewardship and safety.
Endorsed by:
Tualatin Valley Fire Fighters Union, IAFF Local 1660, Rocky L. Hanes, President
(This information furnished by Brian Clopton.)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.