Five Year Local Option Levy for Teachers and Educational Programs

Question: Shall District expand, preserve programs, class sizes; levy $1.64 per $1000 assessed value for operations for five years beginning 2019-2020? This measure may cause property taxes to increase more than three percent.

Summary: The local option school levy was most recently renewed in 2013. It currently provides over 12% of Lake Oswego School District’s annual operational funding. If approved, this levy would provide funds to preserve and expand current programs and operations, including:

  • Preserve over 80 current teacher and other staff positions funded by the current levy.
  • Maintain class sizes; increase individual instructional opportunities, enhance programs by hiring up to 20 additional teachers.
  • Preserve and expand vocational, technical and STEM programs at all schools, including computer science education, to improve college and career readiness.
  • Preserve and expand reading, early literacy, mental health support for all students.
  • Fund enhanced safety and security on school campuses.

Spending would be subject to annual audits. This measure would supersede the current local option levy at a maximum rate of $1.64 per $1,000 of assessed value. The proposed rate is estimated to raise approximately $13,000,000 in 2019-2020, $13,390,000 in 2020-2021, $13,790,000 in 2021-2022, $14,200,000 in 2022-2023 and $14,620,000 in 2023-2024, for a total of $60,000,000 over five years.


The Lake Oswego School District Local Option Levy was first passed by District voters in 2000 at $1.18 per $1,000.00 assessed value. In 2004, voters approved an increase to $1.39 per $1,000.00 assessed value, which was renewed two times without an increase. The levy currently funds more than 12% of the District’s current annual operating budget and sunsets June 30, 2020. This measure seeks voter approval to levy $1.64 per $1,000.00 for five years beginning July 1, 2019. If approved, funds generated by this levy would be used to support Lake Oswego School District schools and would not be subject to redistribution through the state government.

Local option levies were created by the legislature to allow voters to approve local taxes for local classrooms above and beyond what the State provides. If approved, this measure would maintain more than 80 teaching and classified positions while creating additional resources to hire 20 licensed staff, provide expanded emotional/social counseling supports, enhance STEM programs and support the District’s goals to improve individualized learning opportunities and early literacy outcomes.

This measure seeks approval for the first increase in the District’s local option levy since 2004, increasing the current rate of $1.39 to $1.64 per $1,000.00 assessed value. This 25 cent increase is estimated to cost the median District homeowner with an assessed value of $450,000 an additional $9.33 per month absent compression.
If this measure is not approved, the District’s operating budget would be reduced by an estimated 12%, or over $10 million, beginning in 2020-2021. That would result in the estimated loss of over 80 teaching and classified positions.

Individualized Learning Opportunities
This measure, if passed, maintains current staffing while adding up to 20 licensed staff to help increase individualized learning opportunities, especially at the elementary level. If passed, the levy would also maintain more than 80 existing licensed and classified staff and retain existing programs, specialists, secondary elective opportunities, and overall class sizes

Counseling and Emotional/Social Supports
This measure, if passed, will augment existing counseling and/or social emotional supports at each level for our students and families to provide a school program supporting the academic, career, and personal/social development of each student.

STEM Programs
If passed, this measure would support the District’s goal of 100% college and career readiness through individualized learning programs that provide each student opportunities in challenging coursework and hands-on activities. This measure, if passed, would provide funding for advanced, hands-on programs in science, technology, engineering, math (STEM), and computer science programs.

K-3rd Grade Literacy
If passed, this measure will provide elementary students with reading and learning supports and specialists at each elementary school to help achieve the District’s goal of all students reading at grade level.

All District finances and expenditures are subject to accountability measures, including annual audits and School Board oversight, to ensure funds are used as intended.

Submitted by
Michael Musick, Superintendent
Lake Oswego School District



Our Strong Business Community Supports Measure 3-547

Lake Oswego is home to 2,000 flourishing businesses, the majority of them small businesses with one to three employees. Quality public education is the backbone of our prosperous business community.

Having top-rated schools keeps Lake Oswego an attractive place for businesses and families looking to relocate. Offering a challenging and diverse curriculum creates an engaged and prepared workforce which leads to thriving businesses and business growth.

Measure 3-547 is an accountable way to make our schools stronger and better prepare our students for successful careers.

Passing Measure 3-547 means additional investments in:

Vocational and technical programs so students are engaged in their education and career ready when they graduate.

Advanced, hands-on curriculum in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) so students are graduating with the skills needed to compete in today’s job market and launch into careers in innovation.

Reading and learning specialists at the elementary level, so students are on track for college readiness from a young age, and students get the personalized instruction they need to excel.

Investing in the success of our schools and students means investing in the success of our community and our businesses.

Vote YES on Measure 3-547.

Lake Oswego Chamber of Commerce

(This information furnished by Keith Dickerson, Lake Oswego Chamber of Commerce.)


Lake Oswego’s Educators and School Employees are Voting YES on Measure 3-547

Each and every student in Lake Oswego deserves a high quality education and as the teachers and classified staff in Lake Oswego’s schools, we work hard everyday to do our part.

We are on the front lines when a student with a learning disability doesn’t have the support they need, or when a student needs social or emotional support.

We try our hardest to ensure every student gets the personal instruction and attention they need, but sometimes constrained resources make it nearly impossible.

We want to teach students a challenging and diverse curriculum, but we’re limited by the funding available.

Without the critical revenue Measure 3-547 will provide, we simply won’t have the resources we need to give every student the best education possible.

Passing Measure 3-547 will:

Add counseling support to maintain health, safety, and all-around wellness in our students.

Keep our class sizes small and help us make sure every student gets the personalized instruction and attention they need.

Expand our curriculum by hiring new teachers and classified staff to focus on early literacy, advanced science education, and vocational and technical programs.

Prioritize student safety through investments in safety and security operations on campuses.

Help us help Lake Oswego’s students. Vote YES for Measure 3-547.

Lake Oswego Education Association
Lake Oswego School Employees Association

(This information furnished by Neelam Gupta, LO Learning Levy.)


Lake Oswego’s Retirees & Seniors Urge a YES Vote on Measure 3-547

We may not currently have children in Lake Oswego’s schools, but we strongly support Measure 3-547. We are invested in the success of our community and high quality education opportunities are key to a vibrant and prosperous community for all of us.

Future generations deserve a high quality education like many of us received, and supporting Measure 3-547 will help ensure that. We want to empower our youth with the skills they need to excel, and to solve the problems of today and tomorrow that are impacting our generations as well.

Our school district prioritizes civic engagement and community service for students. By supporting our students and schools through Measure 3-547, we are investing in the success of our community.

Measure 3-547 will help our students by:

  • Preserving 80 teaching and school employee positions, and hiring 20 more
  • Increasing personalized instruction, especially in reading and science
  • Expanding their curriculum offerings, including bolstering STEM and CTE programs
  • Adding counseling supports and a new school resource officer to keep students safe

We want to see Lake Oswego’s students thrive.
That’s why we’re voting YES on Measure 3-547.

Terry Erb
Lucie Anne Forbes
Dharam and Karuna Gupta
Francie Heffernan
Barbara S. MacIntosh
Mary Puskas
Mary Solares

(This information furnished by Neelam Gupta, LO Learning Levy.)



As students and parents in the Lake Oswego School District, we know firsthand how important high quality teachers are to educational success. We support the LO Learning Levy because it will allow the district to keep more than 80 teachers and school employees, and hire up to 20 new teachers. More teachers means keeping class sizes small while increasing supports and individualized learning, especially in reading and science. Our schools and students need this critical funding.
Please vote YES on Measure 3-547.

Amber Amandi
Kristi Ashbrook
Annie Baek
Stacey Benson
Laura Berta
Karir Bhatia
Kacy Bradshaw
Alexandra Brown
Jennifer Brown
Audrey Buchanan
Jessica Cail
Rebecca Cassel
Jennifer Cavagnaro
Amy Chartier
Suzanne Chisholm
Katie Chrisman
Mimi Clinton
Ashley Cramer
Jennifer Daniello
Julie Davidson
Steve Decker
Lisa Decker
Tracy DeOgny
Rebecca Dietz
Tamara DiVergilio
Eric Dransfeldt
John & Molly Ducker
Christopher Duncan
Allison Dyer
Joy Eriksson
Nino Fiorentirio
Fitts Genét
J. Friess
Peter Gail
Sandeep & Mona Garg
Christa Knappen Gibson
Lisa Grimm
Neelam & Ria Gupta
Gary Hanifan
Melissa Hanifan
Niki Hanson
Megan Harnish
Gail Hirokane
Kirsten Hovey
Kathryn Hovland
Sarah, Andrew, Ethan, Romy & Charle Howell
Sarah Hussion
Carrie Karns
Benjamin L. Karns
Jessica Klein
Ahnawake Kriese
Annika Lamka
John Leon
Jennifer Lim
Linda Lucas
Ashlee Markey
Monicah McGee
Carmit McMullen
Carrie Merritt
Mary Meyer
Heidi Molen
Angela Moneyhan
Taylor Murdoch
Hilary Murphy
Danna J. Myers
Hits Naik
Lauren Odman
Jaime Ohr
Cheri Partain
Kelly Perlewitz
Stephanie Peterson
Sara Prohaska
Sarah Pudfield
Darin Richards
Kim Rigney
Suzanne Rogstad
Carissa Roth
Kerstan Ruffer
Jenna Fallon Schindler
Desiree Schlotthaver
Christine Sheets
Darcy Sigler
Nicole Smith
Neal Smith
Adrienne Southard
Jeremy Southard
Caroline Spangenthal
Michelle Stapp
Sophia Stapp
James M. Steranke
Susan Stohl
Niki Strealy
Kelsey Sullivan
Donna Sullivan
Tim Sullivan
Amanda Swinehart
Dan Wakefield
Nancy Wakefield
Pam Waldman
Sarah Walker
Garrett Wall
Rieko Warrens
Ken Weber
Paula Wendorf
Heather Wick
Traci Wilson
William & Nicole Woodruff

(This information furnished by Neelam Gupta, LO Learning Levy.)

The printing of these arguments does not constitute an endorsement by Multnomah County, nor does the county warrant the accuracy or truth of any statements made in the arguments.
Last reviewed January 12, 2023