Measure 26-205 - November 2019 Special Election



Amends Charter: Authorizes City participation in emergency mutual aid agreements.


Shall Charter be amended to authorize emergency mutual aid agreements between the City and other government entities, tribes or utilities?


The measure amends the Charter by clarifying Council authority to enter into and fund mutual aid agreements to provide or receive emergency assistance between the City and other government entities, tribes or utilities following a significant natural disaster or other major disruption to water-related services. Mutual aid agreements permit emergency responders to lend assistance across jurisdictional boundaries when an emergency response exceeds local resources. Mutual aid agreements typically address the furnishing of personnel, equipment or expertise in a specific manner when an emergency occurs.

Explanatory Statement

Portland City Council unanimously approved a resolution referring a City Charter amendment that would authorize City participation in emergency mutual aid agreements to Portland voters for the November 5, 2019 ballot. The resolution was sponsored by Commissioner Amanda Fritz, as the Commissioner-in-Charge of the Portland Water Bureau.

If passed, the amendment would allow City Council to approve and fund agreements between the Water Bureau and other cities, communities, and tribes to provide and receive prompt support during times of emergency like an earthquake. Because emergencies are rare, the cost of mutual aid agreements varies.

If the amendment is not passed, City Council may not be able to provide and receive prompt support from non-local jurisdictions and City Council would pay for any costs associated with mutual aid agreements with local jurisdictions from the General Fund instead of the Water Fund.

Submitted by

Deborah Scroggin,
City Elections Officer (Analyst II)
City of Portland

Last reviewed May 23, 2024