Commissioner, District 4

Occupation: Multnomah County Commissioner
Occupational Background: Gresham City Councilor, Small Business Owner, Insurance Agent
Educational Background: Mt. Hood Community College, Portland State University, BA
Prior Governmental Experience: Gresham City Council President and Councilor, Gresham Redevelopment Commissioner, Planning Commissioner, Public Safety Committee
Community Service: Co-founder Rockwood Business Coalition; past President Soroptimist; Past Chair, Plaza del Sol Community Events; Multnomah County Citizen Budget Advisory Committee
Dear Neighbors,
I ran for County Commission to fight for greater investments in east Multnomah County, which has some of the highest poverty rates in the state. I’m proud of the progress we have made, but there is much more to do, from addressing generational poverty to improving public safety. In my next term, I will build on our accomplishments so we continue to create opportunities in East County.
Increasing access to jobs in skilled trades
I cosponsored the Construction Diversity Equity Fund which sets aside 1% of the County’s capital projects for apprenticeships for women and communities of color.
Expanding Homeless Outreach and Programs Engagement Team
Successfully advocated for a third year of funding for the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office HOPE team (Homeless Outreach and Programs Engagement). This two-person, full- time team connects houseless residents to services so they can find a pathway out of homelessness.
Improving access to healthcare
I fought for a new school-based health center at Reynolds High School which is opening 2020 on their newly remodeled campus.
Lori supports our community every day.
Join us in supporting her!
Vote Lori Stegmann.
U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley
U.S. Representative Earl Blumenauer
Multnomah County Chair Deborah Kafoury
Multnomah County Commissioners: Susheela Jayapal, Sharon Meieran & Jessica Vega Pederson
Mike Reese & Multnomah County Deputy Sheriffs Association Wood Village Mayor Scott Harden
Centennial School Board Member Sumitra Chhetri Reynolds School Board Chair Yesenia Delgado
Gresham Barlow School Board Member Dr Mayra Gomez AFSCME Local 88
Gresham Professional Fire Fighters Local 1062 NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon PAC
NW Oregon Labor Council, AFL-CIO NW Carpenters Union
Oregon Nurses Association SEIU
(This information furnished by Friends of Lori Stegmann)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.