Councilor, District 5

Picture of Chris Smith
Chris Smith

Occupation: Retired

Occupational Background: 37 years in marketing and technology at Tektronix and Xerox

Educational Background: Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute, Computer & Systems Engineering, B.S.; Boston University, Management, MBA

Prior Governmental Experience: Portland Planning and Sustainability Commission, 10 years; Metro Transportation Policy Alternatives Committee, 3 years; Metro Policy Advisory Committee, 2 years; Portland Streetcar Board of Directors, 17 years

I’m running for Metro Council because of my successful track record as a community activist fighting for housing affordability and tackling the imminent threat of climate change. I’ll guide Metro to ensure the dollars entrusted to us by the voters for housing and related services are spent effectively and efficiently.

We can address the 40% of greenhouse gas emissions from transportation in our region. We’ll deploy significantly more and more frequent transit service, build missing sidewalks, create safe bikeways, make telecommuting a realistic option for many and reduce reliance on drive-alone auto trips.

Decades of Climate, Housing and Transportation leadership

  • Fought off a propane terminal on the Columbia
  • Preserved 800 acres of habitat on West Hayden Island
  • Leading opposition to $800 million Rose Quarter freeway expansion
  • Rewrote Portland’s land use, transportation and housing policies
  • Extended Streetcar across the Willamette
  • Championed campaign finance reform
  • Leading “Vision Zero” transportation safety

“The Metro Council is a unique agency, the only one of its kind in the nation, and Chris is uniquely qualified as a leader on the planning and environmental issues that are at the heart of its mission. Voters have this one chance to elect a transportation expert who is rooted in the community.” - Former Metro President David Bragdon

"As youth climate justice leaders, we endorse Chris for Metro because of his relentless successful advocacy to stop fossil infrastructure, decarbonize our region's transportation system & center climate justice values." - Sunrise Movement PDX

Also endorsed by:

The Street Trust Action Fund
PPS School Board Member Scott Bailey
Former Portland City Commissioner Steve Novick

(This information furnished by Friends of Chris Smith)

Councilor, District 5

Picture of Karen Spencer
Karen Spencer

Occupation: Co-Founder and mentor, helping small business, women and minority entrepreneurs access expertise and capital for success

Occupational Background: 14 years at Nike, building strategies and implementing plans with impacts 3, 5, 10 years into the future

Educational Background: Stanford Business MS; Harvard Law JD; MIT, BS Chemical Engineering

Prior Governmental Experience: Oregon’s Youth Development Council; Portland Utility Board; Metro’s Nature in Neighborhoods Capital Grants Committee

Our region has grown tremendously and will continue to grow steadily. We have the opportunity now to preserve the best of our region, while building a prosperous, sustainable, and equitable future for all. And it’s going to take the strategic, long-range planning skills I have to achieve this vision.

With your vote, I will:

Fight for increased affordable housing to reduce homelessness and ensure people can live in the same community they work. We must stop pushing people out, and we need thousands of affordable homes to fix this problem.

Work for accessible, efficient and clean transportation options so we can spend more time with family and friends, and less time sitting in traffic. This means improved transit reliability, with electric bus investments, youth passes, and safer pathways that connect communities and address underserved populations.

Demand environmental stewardship to preserve our clean air and water, forests, parks and open spaces for generations to come. I’ll continue my work in expanding access for all people to enjoy our parks and trails, waterways and quiet places. I’ve worked with Metro to

address equity and access in our region, and will build upon this commitment to our people, climate, and communities.

Proudly endorsed by Teamsters Local 37 and other advocates for working families, affordable housing, equity and justice leaders, Metro Councilor Shirley Craddick, Kathryn Harrington, Washington County Commission Chair and Former Metro Councilor, and many more! See the full list at

Vote Karen Spencer for Metro District 5!

(This information furnished by Karen Spencer)

Councilor, District 5

Picture of Cameron Whitten
Cameron Whitten

Occupation: Executive Director, Brown Hope

Occupational Background: Small Business Owner; Q Center Executive Director; Community Volunteer

Educational Background: PCC; PSU (BA Economics); Willamette University (MBA Student)

Prior Governmental Experience: PBOT Advisory Committee; TriMet Equity Advisory Committee; Multnomah County Levy Oversight Committee; Office of Neighborhood Involvement Advocate

COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Know Your City; Pioneer Courthouse Square; REACH Community Development; Venture Portland

“I’m running for Metro because I want to help our community. I’ve dedicated my entire career to making a better future for all Portlanders through community-based solutions: affordable housing, safer roads, thriving local businesses, and vibrant greenspaces.

With your support, we can make sure no Portlander is left behind.

You can count on me in this fight.”



  • Make sure all voices are heard and respected
  • Invest in affordable housing for all
  • Make our streets safer and reduce congestion
  • Create jobs and improve public infrastructure
  • Safeguard open spaces, clean air and water
  • Transparency and accountability with tax dollars

"Cameron is a leader who shows up and fights for all Portlanders. I proudly endorse him.” —US Congresswoman Elizabeth Furse

“Cameron will help build a community where all families and children have safe, quality, and affordable housing.” —Israel Bayer, former Executive Director, Street Roots

“Cameron is an inclusive and collaborative leader who makes me hopeful for the future.” —Adam Lyons, Executive Director, Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods

Former Mayors Sam Adams; Tom Potter
City Commissioners Amanda Fritz; Mike Lindberg
Former Multnomah County Chair Jeff Cogen
Former Senators Avel Gordly; Bob Boyer
State Representatives Diego Hernandez; Rob Nosse; Carla Piluso
David Douglas School Board Chair Andrea Valderrama
Ernesto Fonseca, CEO, Hacienda CDC
Next Up Action Fund
Our Revolution Portland
Community Alliance of Tenants Action Fund
East County Rising PAC
The Street Trust Action Fund
Basic Rights Oregon Equality PAC Greenlight

Vote for a Real Progressive Champion

www WhittenForOregon com

(This information furnished by Friends of Cameron Whitten)

Councilor, District 5

Picture of Mary Peveto
Mary Peveto

Occupation: Founder & Executive Director, Neighbors for Clean Air

Occupational Background: Non-Profit Executive; Women’s Brand Manager; Sportswear Executive.

Educational Background: B.S., Macalester College

Prior Governmental Experience: Chair of the Multnomah County Advisory Committee on Sustainability and Innovation; U.S. EPA Clean Air Act Advisory Committee; Cleaner Air Oregon Advisory Committee.

For the past decade, I’ve dedicated my life to protecting people from the damage air pollution does to our health and quality of life. I’ve gone up against both corporate polluters and ineffective government agencies to protect our families. Send me to Metro so I can continue fighting for you.

Mary Peveto Fought Corporate Polluters and Won

As the Founder of Neighbors for Clean Air, Mary forced corporate polluters to install air cleaning equipment to dramatically reduce the toxic air choking our communities. She advanced legislation to curb diesel pollution statewide, and successfully pushed our state legislature to pass

the largest increase in funding for the Department of Environmental Quality in over two decades.

As your Metro Councilor, Mary Peveto will:

  • Empower local governments to face the climate crisis.
  • Take faster action to clean the air we breathe.
  • Protect our most vulnerable communities.
  • Push for strong policies to address the housing crisis.
  • Advocate for transformational transportation options.

“Mary is exactly the leader Metro needs to meet the climate emergency. Her record of holding corporate polluters accountable shows she understands how climate change is hurting the most vulnerable in our community. That’s why Mary Peveto is the only one I trust to represent Metro District 5.” -Jan Zuckerman, Cofounder, Sunnyside Environmental School

Endorsed by:

Oregon League of Conservation Voters
Basic Rights Oregon Equality PAC Greenlight
AFSCME Local 3580
Jeri Jimenez, Founder, Environmental Justice Action Group
Robin Morris Collins, Professor of Law
Tony DeFalco
Rex Burkholder, Former Metro Councilor
John Tapogna, Economic Consultant
Dr. Vivek Shandas, Professor of Climate Adaptation, Portland State University
Chris Van Dyke, Former VP of Communications, World Wildlife Fund
Brad Avakian, Former Labor Commissioner

www. pevetoformetro .com

(This information furnished by Peveto for Metro)

Councilor, District 5

Picture of Mary Nolan
Mary Nolan

Occupation: Director, Unitus Community Credit Union; Director, Teatro Milagro; Advisor, OHSU Avel Gordly Center for Healing

Occupational Background: Planned Parenthood Advocates Pro-Choice Champion; ACLU 100% Voting Record; Basic Rights Oregon Hero of the House; Co-founder, Oregon NARAL; Oregon League of Conservation Voters Best Environmental Committee Work; Steering Committee, Fair Shot Coalition for economic and racial justice; Tom McCall Legacy Award for environmental leadership, 1000 Friends of Oregon

Educational Background: Dartmouth College

Prior Governmental Experience: State Representative, House Majority Leader

Juntos tenemos que hacer grandes cambios, Together we must make big changes:

  • reverse climate disruption, invest in transit we can truly love
  • design safer streets, prepare for zero-emission vehicles
  • build enough affordable homes
  • provide basic shelter and supportive services so everyone finally has a safe indoor place to sleep
  • deliberately practice and promote racial justice
  • protect habitat, farmland, natural splendor and ancestral lands
  • actually achieve our goals for housing, transportation, open space by setting and enforcing measurable targets
  • protect middle class jobs and create realistic career opportunities

Mary Nolan confronts big challenges head on and gets big results: from landmark environmental improvements to bold laws protecting and expanding women’s rights, racial equity, economic justice, LGBTQ rights and affordable housing. If competence, results and getting important things done well matters to you, Mary Nolan is exactly who you’ll want at Metro now.

Endorsed as a trusted ally and fierce advocate by leaders and groups who stand up for us:

  • Governor Kate Brown
  • Governor Barbara Roberts
  • Oregon House Speaker Tina Kotek
  • Portland Firefighters IAFF Local 43
  • Portland Association of Teachers PAC
  • State Senators Lew Frederick, Elizabeth Steiner Hayward, Margaret Carter
  • State Representative Mitch Greenlick
  • Climate leader Thomas Wheatley (former Director, Renew Oregon)
  • Seniors and disabilities advocate Dr. Jim Davis
  • NW Regional Carpenters Union
  • Community, Arts and Cultural leaders Sho Dozono, Dañel Malán, Roey Thorpe, Wajdi Said, José González, Kieu- Oanh Nguyen, Hector Hinojoso
  • Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde

Juntos Cùng nhau 一 起 Вместе اعم Together

(This information furnished by Mary Nolan)

The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.
Last reviewed January 12, 2023