Other Preschool & Child Care Resources

Resources for families looking for preschool, child care, or for help paying for child care.

Preschool for All is one of many options for families in Multnomah County looking for early education for their child. We encourage families to explore and apply for all of the programs that are a good fit for their child. 

Visit the Preschool Marketplace to find information on free and reduced-cost preschools in the Portland Metro Area all in one spot! You can use an interactive map to search for preschools based on your home or work address.

You can also search online for child care providers near you by visiting Find Child Care Oregon.

Utilize 211 Info! Staff Will Support Families Searching for Child Care

211 Info Child Care helps families locate child care through referrals. 211 Info is also able to look for programs that may help pay for child care and connect families with community resources. Support is available in English and Spanish, and other languages can be supported through interpreter services. 

Call: 211 
Text: "children" or "niños" to 898211 (TXT211)
Email: children@211info.org
Hours: Monday-Friday 7am-11pm; Saturday & Sunday 8am-8pm

Free or Reduced Cost Child Care & Preschool 

  • Employment Related Child Care (ERDC)
    ERDC is a state subsidy to help families afford child care. Subsidy amounts depend on the child's age, caregiver employment, provider type, and location within the state. 
  • Community Child Care Initiative (CCI) 
    The Community Childcare Initiative offers Portland families and child care providers financial assistance for child care. Eligible families pay no more than 8% of their monthly gross income for child care. The program is funded by the Portland Children's Levy. 
  • Baby Promise 
    Baby Promise offers free, full-day quality care and education for eligible children ages 6 weeks to 3 years old. Baby Promise is a state funded program designed to help families find and maintain high-quality infant and toddler care. 
  • Portland Public Schools Early Learners 
    Portland Public Schools (PPS) offers preschool opportunities to families who live within PPS boundaries and are 3 or 4 years old by September 1. Families can email prekprograms@pps.net for assistance. 
  • Preschool Promise
    Preschool Promise is available to families who are at or below 200% of the federal poverty level. It is open to children who are 3 and 4 years old. Preschool Promise is a state funded program and offers preschool slots in school, centers, and with in-home preschool providers.

Head Start Programs

MHCC Head Start:

The Child Development and Family Support programs from Mt. Hood Community College provide free services to pregnant women and families of children birth - age 5 who are low income and reside in East Multnomah County outside Portland Public Schools. Families should reside in the Parkrose, David Douglas, Centennial, Gresham-Barlow, Reynolds, and Corbett school districts and meet eligibility criteria. MHCC offers Early Head Start services in their Home Base and Combo models, and part-day or full-day Head Start services.

For more information about the MHCC Head Start programs visit their page mhccheadstart.org or email HScommuncations@mhcc.edu.

Albina Head Start

Prospective families are required to fill out a pre-application for enrollment.

Albina Head Start and Early Head Start offer two options to complete pre-application:

  1. Complete online application (English/Spanish)
  2. Print/Scan/Fax application (English/Spanish)

More information can be found here. To request additional information, please click here

OCDC Migrant, Seasonal and Early Head Start

Migrant and Seasonal Head Start are for children of migrant and seasonal farm workers. Early Head Start provides services to pregnant women, infants and toddlers up to age 3.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Family income must be no more than 100% of the Federal Poverty Line
  2. Family income must come primarily from agricultural labor
  3. “Migrant” farmworker families must have moved from one geographical location to another within the last 2 years
  4. Enrollment priority is given to children with disabilities, families coping with homelessness or families with other significant needs

For more information, please contact your local OCDC representative based on your geographic location. 

Neighborhood House Head Start

Programs serve children and families in SW and NW Multnomah County, which include:

  1. Early Head Start Home-Based Program: Home-based services for prenatal families and children ages 6 weeks to 3 years and their parents. Services include weekly 90-minute parent/child educational home visits and twice-monthly play groups.
  2. Full-Day Early Head Start Center-Based Program: Center-based early care and education for children ages 6 weeks to 3 years.
  3. Full-day Head Start: Center-based preschool for children ages 3 to kindergarten.

For more information about our programs, please contact an Intake and Enrollment Specialist at (503)354-6775 or earlylearning@nhpdx.org.

Last reviewed February 24, 2025